Sunday, April 29, 2007


(History is always written by the victors. Native Americans lost their wars with the western Europeans and no amount of retelling will change that. But it's good there is some recognition of the facts)

Site of Colorado. Indian massacre honored

The site of a massacre of American Indians in Colorado more than 142 years ago is now a national landmark.The Sand Creek Massacre National Historic site, 160 miles southeast of Denver, was officially dedicated today.
The site pays tribute to the 150 Southern Cheyenne and Arapaho Indians killed in their sleep by state militia in a misdirected act of vengeance. Descendants of some victims were on hand today with several hundred people at the ceremony on Colorado's rolling hills.
Cottonwood trees along the creek mark the site of the killings.
After a prayer and a blessing for the troops in Iraq, members of the Cheyenne and Arapaho tribes chanted and played drums.
When the attack started, Southern Cheyenne Chief Black Kettle hurriedly hoisted a U-S flag above his lodge, but to no avail.
At the ceremony, former Colorado Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell, a member of the Northern Cheyenne tribe, said "If there were any savages that day, it was not the Indian people."

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