“The world may be running low on its most precious commodity -- water.” This is a theme Sound Of Cannons has been following for awhile. “This map shows water scarcity projections for the world in 2025. Large chunks of Australia, Asia, Africa and North America are expected to have severe water issues. Credit Suisse estimates that by 2020, 37% of the global population will face severe water stress.
“The problem is unrelenting demand for a finite resource. Since the 1940s, the global population has tripled to more than 6 billion people worldwide. Over the same period, global water use has quadrupled.”
“The problem is unrelenting demand for a finite resource. Since the 1940s, the global population has tripled to more than 6 billion people worldwide. Over the same period, global water use has quadrupled.”
It might be expensive, but there is a shitload of water in the ocean... I can imagine huge pipelines from oceans into the deserts.