Monday, May 28, 2012

The Distinctive Trait of America

The people of the United States, a nation struggling to regain a sense of optimism and confidence, have, over many years, been told by the elites in American society that their country is one of an ignoble nature and history.  That "American Exceptionalism" is a myth which has precipitated the plunder of the planet and the exploitation of mankind throughout the world.
A nation whose alleged sins have been so egregious that the current President, whose primary campaign promise was to "transform America" (into a collectivist state), feels duty bound to go around the world on bended knee apologizing for those perceived transgressions. 
The United States has become a ship without a rudder aimlessly wandering about the turbulent seas piloted by those whose only interest is themselves, their ideology and thirst for power.  Yet the majority of the American people know that they have in their possession the key to a prosperous and equitable society: individual freedom and liberty concurrent with a significant constraint on the power of government.
They also know that in the annals of mankind the true account of America's contribution to the world and its people is one of magnificent achievement, whether freeing millions from tyranny by force of arms or improving their standard of living by fostering global economic growth and new technology.  
Perhaps the one thing above all others that many in the United States, particularly among the ruling class, do not appreciate is the indispensible and unprecedented role this nation has played in giving hope and a real-life vision of the blessings of true freedom and liberty to countless millions throughout the world.  Nothing this country has done in its history can compare to being what Ronald Reagan referred to as: "The Shining City on the Hill."
When attacked by foreign powers America never viewed those incidents as a pretext to conquer and permanently subjugate other nations.  Rather this country in the pursuit of self-defense also aspired to the noble calling of freeing others from tyranny and allowing the people of those nations to establish their own governments based on freedom and liberty.
The basic tenets in the founding of the United States:  1) that all men are endowed by God with certain inalienable rights and, 2) that the individual and not the state is paramount, enabled a society to be created that fostered love and respect not only of country but of fellow man regardless of where he might live.
It is this distinctive trait among all global communities which has motivated countless American men and women over the years to willingly take up arms to defend a land they cherish and to expend blood and treasure so others can live in peace and freedom.
I have lived among the people of the United States for sixty years after having been welcomed to its shores as a survivor and displaced orphan from World War II.   I have been privileged to get to know the magnificent every day citizens of this country from all walks of life and ethnicity whether in the foothills of Appalachia, the farm fields of the Great Plains, the imposing vistas of the West or the streets of America's cities.  Their forbearers created and molded the country that became the foremost nation on earth.  That drive, determination and character still beats deep within the heart of all who are proud to call the United States their home.
On this Memorial Day, as the nation honors its fallen, I am confident that freed from the shackles of oppressive government as well as the misguided, egocentric and often hostile leadership extant throughout the corridors of power, the vast majority of the people of this nation will make certain that America's best days are still ahead of it.  The role of being the noblest and most successful experiment in the annals of mankind is this nation's destiny and an obligation it will fulfill.


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