EU Federal Superstate Becoming A Reality
European globalists no longer even pretend the people will have a say
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
'In a telling U-turn British Prime Minister Tony Blair has stated that the EU no longer needs a constitution and should instead opt for a less ambitious new treaty that would not require a referendum.' ;
digg_topic = 'politics';
In a telling U-turn British Prime Minister Tony Blair has stated that the EU no longer needs a constitution and should instead "opt for a less ambitious new treaty that would not require a referendum."
In other words Blair is acknowledging that the people have seen through the legislation to create a federal superstate so the European globalist elite need to change the wording and pass it without letting the people vote on it.
Blair's spokesman said an amending treaty would not require a referendum "in the same way that for the last 50 years other treaties of the kind that we're envisaging haven't needed a referendum".
Blair echoed comments made by Downing Street earlier in the year that hinted towards implementation of a "mini constitution" over which it would 'not be necessary" to hold a referendum.
The latest stealth movements come on the back of leaked documents from late last year revealing that the British government is to launch a multi-million pound propaganda war to force the British people to love the European Union and Brussels bureaucrats.
Every Whitehall department is to appoint a spin doctor responsible for promoting the EU. And Downing Street will draw up an 'EU Grid' to make sure stories portraying Brussels in a good light are leaked to the media on a regular basis. These include promoting the 'EU brand' by linking to popular European events and institutions such as the Eurovision song contest, the Cannes Film Festival and the UEFA soccer organisation that runs the Champions League tournament - even though none of them has anything to do with the EU.
The British government has previously said that if the public voted no they would continue to hold referendums until the public voted yes. Now it seems they won't even do that and are ready to simply sign over British sovereignty without giving the public a say whatsoever.
The EU constitution was shot down in 2005 by French and Dutch no votes. However, ever since then critics have leveled that the constitution is being implemented anyway, clause by clause, as if the No votes had not even happened.
Whilst the major countries have failed to win over their populations into relinquishing their sovereignty, over half of the now 27 countries in the EU have said yes to the constitution. In 2005 British MP Daniel Hannan conducted research into this back door implementation for the London Telegraph:
"Formal ratification by all 25 states is regarded in Brussels as a technicality. To all intents and purposes, the EU is carrying on as though the constitution were already in force. Most of the institutions that it would have authorized are either up and running already, or in the process of being established." Hannan wrote.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel, whose country holds the EU's six-month presidency, wants to resuscitate the treaty and the subject will be a main topic of debate at an EU leaders meeting in June.
Last month at the EU summit in Berlin, Merkel as representative of all European leaders oversaw the signing of a document called Declaration on the Future of Europe, which called for new 'institutional reforms'. The declaration was veiled as a celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome, but in reality contained specific references to attempts to have a new EU treaty in place by 2009.
digg_topic = 'politics';
In a telling U-turn British Prime Minister Tony Blair has stated that the EU no longer needs a constitution and should instead "opt for a less ambitious new treaty that would not require a referendum."
In other words Blair is acknowledging that the people have seen through the legislation to create a federal superstate so the European globalist elite need to change the wording and pass it without letting the people vote on it.
Blair's spokesman said an amending treaty would not require a referendum "in the same way that for the last 50 years other treaties of the kind that we're envisaging haven't needed a referendum".
Blair echoed comments made by Downing Street earlier in the year that hinted towards implementation of a "mini constitution" over which it would 'not be necessary" to hold a referendum.
The latest stealth movements come on the back of leaked documents from late last year revealing that the British government is to launch a multi-million pound propaganda war to force the British people to love the European Union and Brussels bureaucrats.
Every Whitehall department is to appoint a spin doctor responsible for promoting the EU. And Downing Street will draw up an 'EU Grid' to make sure stories portraying Brussels in a good light are leaked to the media on a regular basis. These include promoting the 'EU brand' by linking to popular European events and institutions such as the Eurovision song contest, the Cannes Film Festival and the UEFA soccer organisation that runs the Champions League tournament - even though none of them has anything to do with the EU.
The British government has previously said that if the public voted no they would continue to hold referendums until the public voted yes. Now it seems they won't even do that and are ready to simply sign over British sovereignty without giving the public a say whatsoever.
The EU constitution was shot down in 2005 by French and Dutch no votes. However, ever since then critics have leveled that the constitution is being implemented anyway, clause by clause, as if the No votes had not even happened.
Whilst the major countries have failed to win over their populations into relinquishing their sovereignty, over half of the now 27 countries in the EU have said yes to the constitution. In 2005 British MP Daniel Hannan conducted research into this back door implementation for the London Telegraph:
"Formal ratification by all 25 states is regarded in Brussels as a technicality. To all intents and purposes, the EU is carrying on as though the constitution were already in force. Most of the institutions that it would have authorized are either up and running already, or in the process of being established." Hannan wrote.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel, whose country holds the EU's six-month presidency, wants to resuscitate the treaty and the subject will be a main topic of debate at an EU leaders meeting in June.
Last month at the EU summit in Berlin, Merkel as representative of all European leaders oversaw the signing of a document called Declaration on the Future of Europe, which called for new 'institutional reforms'. The declaration was veiled as a celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome, but in reality contained specific references to attempts to have a new EU treaty in place by 2009.
Senior British Cabinet sources have warned that the European globalists including Blair and Merkel are pushing hard for Brussels to be given a full-time unelected president, who would serve a five year term and speak as the voice of Europe on the world stage.
Insiders have told the press that the major european leaders are also prepared - without consulting their Cabinets - to endorse full-time defence and foreign ministers for the whole EU.
German Chancellor Merkel has also previously stated that the European Union should aim to create a common army within the next 50 years and also have armed police to operate with impunity across borders.
Reforms to strengthen the European Parliament could undermine the ability of member states to opt out of EU laws, as Britain does at present.
All this is being slowly implemented without the consent of the public in each member state and despite the previous no votes in Holland and France on these very issues.
Under the original draft text of the proposed EU constitution (PDF link), first presented in 2004, 16 articles were unveiled as the first piece of a constitutional text being drawn up for the Convention on the Future of Europe.
Sweeping aside objections, the document established the European Union on a "federal basis", enjoying "primacy over the law of the member states".
This means that were it to be implemented countries would lose control of foreign policy and defence and would be stripped of their sovereign power to legislate in almost all areas of national life. Remember that the EU at its inception was supposed to be a simple economic agreement between individual states.
The areas it now seeks to dominate also include public health, social policy, transport, justice, agriculture, fisheries, energy, economic and social cohesion, the environment, internal and external trade, and consumer protection.
Under the original draft of the constitution Article 3 gives the EU powers to "co-ordinate the economic policies of the member states", which covers fiscal policy.
Article 4 says "the Union shall have competence to define and implement a common foreign and security policy, including the progressive framing of a common defence policy".
Virtually all the current activities of the British Government for example would fall under the "exclusive" or "shared competence" of the EU, meaning that Westminster would be prohibited from legislating unless Brussels choose to waive its primacy.
In their important history of the EU, The Great Deception, British authors Christopher Booker and Richard North, concluded that the 27 member nations now entangled in the union have ceded their sovereignty in a carefully planned stealth operation. They grudgingly credit european globalists with accomplishing "a slow-motion coup d’etat: the most spectacular coup d’etat in history."
The authors of The Great Deception summarized the effect of the Treaty of Rome: "Thus did the central deception of the whole story become established. From now on, the real agenda, political integration, was to be deliberately concealed under the guise of economic integration. Building Europe was to be presented as a matter of trade and jobs."
In addition dissidents and outcasts such as Vladimir Bukovksy have warned that an elite plan has long existed whereby the EU would be hijacked and transformed into a Soviet style Socialist superstate that would eliminate the individual nation state's power and create a governing body with no accountability or direct representation.
The current state of the EU is a prime example of why Americans should by extremely wary of talk of a North American Union as a "Security Prosperity Partnership". As the EU has proven a simple economic treaty can slowly be transformed into an all encompassing unelected supranational federal government.
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