The Modern Day Financial System Is A Fraud
BY: Lee Rogers
The modern day financial system is quite simply a fraud. The primary reason for this is because the money behind the financial system is a fraud. Right now the only money that circulates in the United States that isn’t a fraud is the coinage. Pennies and nickels for example are honest forms of money because they store some sort of value. Federal Reserve Notes regardless of what number they print on each Federal Reserve Note stores no value. It is a piece of paper that can be redeemed for nothing which means they are worth nothing. With this in mind, we will see the day when Federal Reserve Notes achieve their true value which is zero. Nobody knows when that day will come but as history has proven it will come. With this to consider, the people who control the fraud are able to manipulate the stock market and other financial instruments. This makes owning some sort of physical gold and silver bullion important as a form of protection.
In an Internet interview with Mad Money’s Jim Cramer, he openly admitted that the stock market is manipulated and bragged that he had previously participated in the manipulation. If Cramer feels comfortable enough to openly announce this, we can only imagine how wide spread the manipulation actually is. The general market is definitely not a place where I’d suggest anyone investing in, especially after Cramer’s revelations. Do you notice how often CNBC talks about Google, Microsoft, Intel, Cisco Systems and other tech stocks? They talk about those stocks in hopes that the general public will buy the shares from the big firms that are trying to unload them. CNBC is clearly in the hip pocket of the Federal Reserve and the financial establishment and their reporting cannot be trusted. Every time I tune my television to CNBC I’m surprised that my screen doesn’t turn yellow as a result of the biased and distorted reporting.
Honestly, if CNBC had any credibility why haven’t they launched an investigation into why the Federal Reserve stopped publishing the M3 money supply report? This is a big issue yet CNBC has acted like it doesn’t matter that this report is no longer supplied to the public. How about an investigation into the secretive President’s Working Group on Financial Markets otherwise known as the Plunge Protection Team? Why not demand an answer as to why we have a fraudulent money system that is no longer backed by gold or silver as the founding fathers intended? The problem is that CNBC is part of the establishment and is aiding in allowing all of these frauds to continue. This is greatly disturbing because whenever a society has its government and associated institutions like the Federal Reserve operate in such secrecy that is a sign that the society itself isn’t actually free. If we actually lived in a free society, information on these activities would be open to the public and media outlets like CNBC would be demanding answers instead of providing cover for the problems.
We are at a point in time where nothing the Federal Reserve, the government or the mainstream media says can be trusted. Since there is so much corruption and fraud taking place in this country it has made it easy to adopt an investment strategy. In terms of an investment strategy, I suggest first having a sizable stash of gold or silver bullion in a secure location, a fire arm with ammunition and emergency food and water. If a worldwide financial crisis takes place, those items will be extremely valuable. Take Zimbabwe for example where the government is on the brink of a collapse due to a yearly inflation rate of around 1600%. I’m sure the Zimbabwe people are more concerned about food and protection instead of managing a stock portfolio. If you have those items in place for the worst case scenario, it isn’t a bad idea to look at commodity based stocks like gold and silver miners as a place to invest the rest of your Federal Reserve Notes. During both the Great Depression and the 1970’s commodity based stocks did very well. We are entering a similar cycle to both of those time frames so it makes sense to consider this as an option. Obviously, there is more risk with putting your money into the financial matrix than physical gold or silver but there’s also the chance for a greater reward.
Besides the Cramer debacle, another big piece of news that came out this past week was the fact that the IMF says that further devaluation of the USD is needed to correct global economic balances. Quite simply the IMF wants to devalue the USD to rob more wealth from the American people and have it redistributed in the name of globalization. We’ve known that the USD has been in trouble for quite sometime and this news will just add even more fuel to the fire.
The news out of Iran is also bullish for gold and silver. Iran has captured British Navy personnel for what they claim was a violation of their territory. Depending upon how this plays out, this could easily escalate the already volatile situation. If we see any sort of military intervention into Iran by the West we will see gold, silver and oil shoot through the roof. It wouldn’t surprise me at all to see $5-$6 a gallon gas prices if things get really ugly.
Overall, everything remains bullish for precious metals and bearish for the USD. I believe that owning precious metals is important because it is a symbol of independence and freedom from the financial enslavement grid that runs and ruins lives. I believe that silver could easily reach $30 an ounce in the next couple of years because it is historically under valued. Gold will also do well during this time, but not as well as silver. Gold and silver are honest forms of money where as the Federal Reserve Note is a dishonest form of money. This fact alone should make the decision to invest in physical gold and silver an easy one.
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