Sunday, April 29, 2007

May 1st

Just a little diatribe about the upcoming first day of May. Back in the day, it was a pagan celebration for the return of warm weather. In America, it's a date that marks the Haymarket Riots of 1886. (which was really May 4th, look it up) May Day is an implicitly Communist holiday marking the celebration of the enslavement of the individual. The date has consequently become established as an anarchist and socialist holiday during the 20th century, and is often known as International Workers' Day or Labour Day. In this form, May Day has become an international celebration of the social and economic achievements of the working class and labor movement as well as their enslavement.
Labor has a right to be organized and represented. I work for a company that has had it's share of megalomaniacs with an unnatural disdain for their workforce. We're past the days where an organized workforce could bring a company to it's knees, but no workforce should be subject to political whims of a business sociopath.
That being said, the "Labor" celebration that the commies purport is really a desecration of the individual. May 1st decrees that we're all a collective of "workers." In socialist countries that means the populace is a beholden workforce perpetuated for the good of the state. They may as well stamp a big "W" on their foreheads to signify their complacency.
It's no mistake that Europe celebrates their Union on May 1st and no mistake socialism has a tight hold on the world that is marked on this day. Perhaps in a more enlightened age, we'll cut down those silly Maypoles and celebrate individuals and liberty rather than a culture-wide moniker of "workers."

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