{Too many old guard in Russia dreaming of their old facade of empire, when all they were was a 3rd world country with nuclear capabilities}
Russia`s Deputy Prime Minister has announced the launch of a new strategic nuclear submarine, it would be the first launch since the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991."This is the first time in 17 years that we are building such a submarine. Another year will be needed to technically equip it in water and to arm it," Ivanov was quoted as saying by Interfax news agency.
The nuclear submarine, named Yuri Dolgoruki, will carry Russia’s latest inter-continental missiles, the Bulava-M, which went into production last year.
The naval Bulava ballistic missiles are equipped with 10 nuclear warheads that have a reach of 4,970 miles.
The new vessel will be launched on Sunday into the White Sea from the Severodvinsk naval base in northwestern Russia.
According to Ivanov Russia plans to build three other submarines of the same kind, two of them the Alexander Nevski and the Vladimir Monomakh are already under construction.
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