Monday, June 25, 2007

Hugo, You Need To Up The Ritalin

Chavez: Prepare for war with U.S.

Venezuelan leader complains of psychological, economic attacks on regime
Posted: June 25, 200711:30 a.m. Eastern
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez called for his military to prepare for a guerrilla-style war against the U.S., accusing Washington of using psychological and economic means to overturn his government.
Clad in military attire, Chavez addressed hundreds of soldiers inside Tiuna Fort, surrounded by tanks and armored vehicles decorated with banners declaring, "Fatherland, Socialism, or Death! We will triumph!"
Chavez repeatedly warned of a U.S. invasion and commanded, "We must continue developing the resistance war, that's the anti- imperialist weapon. We must think and prepare for the resistance war everyday."
Chavez told soldiers the U.S. would invade to steal control over Venezuela's oil reserves.
However, U.S. officials reject Chavez's accusations that the U.S. may be considering a military assault but have expressed concern over the significant arms build-up in Venezuela.

"It's not just armed warfare," said Chavez, a close ally of fellow rogue leader Fidel Castro of Cuba. "I'm also referring to psychological warfare, media warfare, political warfare, economic warfare."
Chavez, a former military officer, is leading what he refers to as the "Bolivarian Revolution," a socialist movement named after Simon Bolivar, a 19th independence hero.
Since Chavez has been in power Venezuela has purchased $3 billion worth of Russian arms, including 53 military helicopters, 100,000 Kalashnikov rifles and 24 SU-30 Sukhoi fighter jets. Chavez also expressed that he wishes to purchase arms, including submarines and a missile-equipped air defense system, as he soon prepares to tour Russia, Belarus and Iran.
"We are strengthening Venezuela's military power precisely to avoid imperial aggressions and assure peace, not to attack anybody," said Chavez Sunday.
Last September, in an address to the United Nations General Assembly, Chavez referred to President Bush as "the devil," accusing the U.S. of being a hegemonic world power seeking global domination.
"The American empire is doing all it can to consolidate its system of domination. And we cannot allow them to do that. We cannot allow world dictatorship to be consolidated," Chavez warned.

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