Thursday, June 28, 2007

Ron Paul: Still The Best GOP Choice Out There

Ron Paul: "The Honest Mechanic"

Thursday, June 28, 2007 -
Ed, a subscriber to Stansberry and Associates, wrote the following to its editor:"You may want to pass on the following info in case any of your readers don't realize our democracy is a sham. Ron Paul has been slaughtering the competition in the repub debates - yet most folks still don't know who he is…And yet all the pundits are only talking about Giuliani, McCain and Romney! I guess this is our oh-so-thin democracy in action!" Porter Stansberry's comment:"We don't recommend you vote. It only encourages them. But... we enjoy watching Ron Paul throw a wrench into the giant marketing machine that is modern politics by asking simple questions and giving simple (honest) answers. It's much harder to sell a piece of crap used car when you've got an honest mechanic standing right next to the salesman."Paul has been referred to by former Treasury Secretary William Simon as "the one exception to the Gang of 535 on Capitol Hill." Staff Reports - Free-Market News Network

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