Saturday, July 28, 2007

Hoping The World Has Room For More Ron Pauls

Elite Meltdown?

Friday, July 27, 2007 -
Though I am not American, I am a fan of what America was and hopefully can be again. Congressman Ron Paul “gets it” – that America is in danger of drifting into a situation where the republic can no longer be reclaimed. Too bad there are not more Ron Pauls. But I think he has put the American ruling elite into a panic mode. First of all, from what I can tell, he is doing very well. And secondly, the realization is sinking in that the Internet has, generally, given many people the kind of information they need to make informed decisions about what is going on. Ron Paul, a true classic liberal along the lines of Thomas Jefferson, would not have gained the traction he has without the Internet. This is evident in several other areas. The disastrous immigration bill that the Bush administration tried to foist on the American public went down to defeat to the absolute astonishment of those smug Senators who assumed they could jam any old thing down the political pipe. President Bush himself told reporters, “see you at the signing” or some such thing. He never did, however.The larger agenda of these conceited elitists is in trouble as well. What’s really going on, so far as I can tell, is a complicated effort to move toward one world government. In this, the “free” Western states have to be coerced, because they are the ultimate roadblock. The arm-twisting takes numerous forms and is fairly brilliant. First, it needs a never ending flow of money which is provided by the erection of central banks around the world.Once the elite can print money at will (it happened nearly a century ago), it buys off – or up – all the centers of influence that it can. That includes media, the military, politicians, businessmen, etc. Finally, the political integration itself begins to take shape. First comes the European Union and then the North American Union. That’s a concept that is reportedly supposed to be delivered up to Congress by “wise men” such as Henry Kissinger sometime in the fall – after many denials by elite mouthpieces that such a plan exists.The only trouble is that the Internet has really put a stick in the eye of those who believed that the road would be smooth on the way to global government. The European Union was never able to pass a constitution, NAFTA, CAFTA and other North American “trade” treaties (they are no such thing) are not popular and becoming less so, and generally, the idea of a North American Union is floundering. That’s too bad, because once China industrializes, the next trade block to get up and running was supposed to be the African one, so far as I can see. Sure enough, there has already been talk about an African “United States.” The power elite is in trouble in other ways. Thanks to the Internet it looks as if people in America are waking up about their political system and the elite that seemingly controls it. As a result, none of the candidates, except for Ron Paul, look remotely attractive and are increasingly being seen as the socialist and fascist puppets that they are. You should know I am aware that this is one of the basic tenets on which FMNN was founded – that once American voters could be begin to understand what was going on, they would discover they were neither Democratic nor Republican but Libertarian, wanting the government out of both their bedrooms and their pocketbooks. The false choice is that the two parties offer alternative views of the world. In fact, they just offer more and more corrupt government and Americans – citizens of the most powerful country in the world – are “getting it.”Even Fred Thompson, who was supposed to provide an alternative to Ron Paul is looking increasingly shaky. It is a measure of the contempt of the power elite for the everyday voter that this Great Republican Hope didn’t even bother to hide his ties to the Council on Foreign Relations, which is a major mouthpiece for the elitists. Thompson, a good actor though a apparently a fairly contemptible, political hypocrite, has been “feeling out” his reception as a candidate. The other day, he kicked a woman out of one of his “forums” for asking him how he could represent the conservative/populist wing of the Republican Party when he was a member of CFR. This is a conundrum, no matter how many people he kicks out of his meetings.Let Thompson break out his stupid, beat up bus, which he rode to an election win in the Senate so many years ago. This huge, “aw shucks” character actor is nothing of the sort. He is the worst kind of duplicitous insider. He is doubtless carrying the water of those who want to merge Canada, America and Mexico over the next few years. The immigration play didn’t work, and Thompson probably won’t work either.The Western power elite is really stuck – and America, as usual, is the sticking point. In fact, they are trying to drive a superhighway through America, as part of the campaign to make the world’s last republic go away, but that won’t work either – or not as well, as smoothly or as quickly as they hope.It all seems to be falling apart. Maybe Hillary really will be the next president of the United States – if Bush lets it get that far. But one thing is certain, human beings are users of technology, and the Internet is going to be used by us “talking apes” over the next few decades to wake up a lot of people about the plans that the power elite has for this world.It will put them back a great deal, no matter what they try to do. Perhaps they hope to initiate a depression, or even various forms of martial law. But they will not be able to stop history, even if they think they can. The last time a big communication revolution happened, with the Gutenberg Press, the Catholic Church took a big hit and so did the monarchies of the day. The power elite had to take a step back. America, a republic, was founded and has been a thorn in the side of these people ever since. The Internet is already doing the same thing to the power elite now as the press did then. Knowledge is a powerful thing, as FMNN commentators have pointed out.Let me conclude by reminding everyone that, from an outsiders point of view (mine, as Canadian) this election in America is a big deal. It is also, happily, a terrible mess. The only candidate that has caused any excitement, in my opinion, is Ron Paul, and if and when the power elite circumvents him, the whole political charade will crumble more rapidly than ever. Yes, things will get worse for those pulling the strings behind the stage. I don’t know what they will do then, when “things fall apart.” But it will be better for normal people, who may be taxed less and regulated less – and even put in jail less.Eventually, the outcome of the rise of the Internet will be the demise of at least some government. That is a good thing. And it is likely causing even more panic among the Western elite. Smell the flop sweat? -Mitch Curby

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