Thursday, July 26, 2007

A Pillar Of Autumn Original - CNBC Joins The Global Cheerleading Squad

Ok, so Maria Bartiromo is so freakin hot that she can end careers with a plane ride. That doesn't hide the fact that she and her CNBC cronies are becoming blatant and unapologetic cheerleaders for the "Global Plantation" that the world's elite have envisioned. Today, Thursday, July 26th is the 2nd worst trading day of the year (down 411 points at it's worst) on the Dow Jones Industrials. But instead of, "Whoa, this ain't good folks!" (which it isn't and there's no crime in admitting) There's, "The good news is that the GLOBAL financial infrastructure is intact." and "This doesn't affect the GLOBAL growth perspective." "GLOBAL liquidity is still solid."

Star-fucker Bob Pisani states that credit capital leaving the US economy and getting reinvested in France isn't a bad thing. Hey Bob-tool, ANY money leaving the US is bad - just try and take any American money out of the US, as a traveler. Obviously the US government thinks taking money out of the US is a bad idea.........................

Jesus Fucking Christ................... last time I checked, we were the Global Financial Structure, AMERICA! What the hell is happening?

The various CNBC commentators are all stressing that no private equity deals are being broken by this. Who the fuck cares? Those deals are porous enough to weather a downturn. Joe Six-Pack and his 401K don't have many options.

The central banks are working very hard to contain the gold carry trade as well as the bullion price. A lot of gold tonnage was sold into the market in the past 2 months and the central banks have the plunge protection teams in place to keep the precious metals prices in check. New Zealand and other central banks are raising their rates to keep money out of the gold arena.

BTW, CNBC ran a lot of minutes describing the new trading portals for private equity and the super rich. No Sar-Box to worry about and they're self-policeing. What we're seeing is a new stock market for the rich-elite. It is in effect, a seperate economy (and currency) for the rich.

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