Wednesday, August 1, 2007

A Little Pithy From Doug Casey

In past speeches and articles I have shocked some by asserting that democracy was, at best,
over-rated. Once, when a guest on the Phil Donahue, I almost triggered a riot in the audience
by suggesting that people should not vote. My views remain unchanged. Voting—at least in
state and national elections—only serves to perpetuate the rule of America’s only native
criminal class.
Churchill’s statement on the topic is often quoted, and goes like this, “It has been said that
democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried.”
Excellent rhetoric, but faulty reasoning. Government, as an institution, is not only hopelessly
flawed but, increasingly, an anachronism.
H.L. Mencken’s views on the topic were much more astute.
“Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want and deserve to get it
good and hard.”
Watching the ‘debates” among both Demopublican and Republicrat candidates was almost
unbearable. Mencken was understating the case. Americans are going to long for the good
old days of Clinton and Bush when the next President gets in. They all (with the obvious
exception of Ron Paul)
impress me as not only unsound, but basically horrible human beings.
In a democracy, it would seem the scum rises to the top.


  1. As a mirror to your thoughts on Ron Paul as the only Candidate worthy of a vote, I appreciate
    your confidence in him.

    I've never been so elated about
    any candidate.

    Thankyou for all you do and will do
    to help Dr. Ron Paul win the Nomination.

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