Sunday, September 16, 2007

Thank God For Pot-Smoking, Womanizing Bill maher! he Knows EVERYTHING!

Bill Maher: 9/11 Truthers need professional help, not publicity
Mike AivazRaw StorySunday September 16, 2007
Bill Maher takes a jab at the 9/11 Truth movement in a recent "New Rules" segment.
"Crazy people who still think the government brought down the Twin Towers in a controlled explosion have to stop pretending that I'm the one who's being naive," says Maher.
How big a lunatic do you have to be to watch two giant airliners packed with jet fuel slam into buildings on live TV, igniting a massive inferno that burned for two hours, and then think 'Well, if you believe that was the cause...'
Stop asking me to raise this ridiculous topic on the show and start asking your doctor if Paxil is right for you."

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