Monday, November 26, 2007

The Clinton's Have Been Doing This For Years

Hillary Clinton’s corruption and the mainstream media’s treason
Gerard JacksonBrookesNews.ComMonday 19 November 2007
Electorates are generally known for having short memories. Unfortunately this kind of memory loss can be hazardous to the body politic and a nation’s economic welfare. This is why electorates need to be periodically reminded of the misdeeds and inordinate ambitions of those who lust for power. In a country that had an honest media this job could be safely left to crusading journalists. Unfortunately the American media are so thoroughly corrupt and politically bigoted that they have become a significant threat to America’s national security and the democratic process. In short, they have joined America’s enemies.
Let us now uncover some of the Clinton’s putrescent actions, things the media strove to permanently bury in case the American people voted in their ignorance for a Republican. And that is precisely what they did — confirming the media’s belief that the public cannot be trusted to make the right decisions.
Hillary Clinton is the woman who condemned the NYPD; who stood aside while her race-baiting anti-Semitic buddies demonised the men and women in blue and smeared Giuliani by comparing him to Adolf Hitler; the woman who made, as the instinctive collectivist that she is, the arrogant assertion that “it takes a village [meaning the state] to raise a child”. The woman who revealed her authoritarian nature and contempt for the rule of law by jumping out of her box to support hubby’s jackbooted abduction of Elian Gonzalez. This is the same woman who wrote:
The pretense that children’s issues are somehow above or beyond politics endures and is reinforced by the belief that families are private, nonpolitical units whose interests subsume those of children.
Unless, of course, the drug-running Fidel Castro says otherwise.
The woman who argued that little children should be allowed to sue their parents rationalised an assault by a heavily armed swat team on a defenceless American family, and all without due process. But since when did legal trifles like the Constitution bother a I-feel-your-pain Clinton? That Rudy came out fighting for Elian and demanding hearings into the latest Clinton outrage is no surprise considering Hillary was running against him. Nevertheless, I never doubt Rudy’s sincerity in this matter. He recognised, as did so many other thoughtful Americans, the terrible violence this raid did to the rule of law and the 4th amendment. Hillary and Bill, however, see amendments like promises and eggs — something to be broken.
Lacking any sense of shame or respect for the truth, Hillary had the gall to accuse Giuliani of politicising Elian’s situation, piously declaring to adoring journalists that the case should be dealt with in court. Quite so. But this is what Bill Clinton, Reno and Castro tried to prevent. It was Clinton, not Reno, who politicised the issue by turning it into a federal case. It was Reno, on Clinton’s instructions, who denied Elian due process. It was Clinton and Reno (and let’s not forget Castro) who mocked the 11th US Circuit Court of Appeals ruling. It was Clinton’s appointee to the head of the INS, Doris Meissner, who instructed that a search warrant be fraudulently obtained. And Hillary Rodham Clinton, or whatever she called her self in those days, had the chutzpah to accuse Rudy of playing politics with Elian.
Did the fearless reporters from the New York Post or the New York Slimes expose her hypocrisy and callousness? Of course not. They were too busy bootlicking and kowtowing to this political dowager to notice little things like lying, cheating and abuse by Reno’s corrupted Justice Department.
What should cause particular concern is that the establishment press cheerfully turned itself into an extension of the Clinton political machine. Christopher Hitchens, a noted left-wing journalist, observed with alarm the passivity of journalists when it comes to questioning the Clinton’s, and commented: “It is amazing that the New York press should congratulate itself on being so fierce and unappeasable and brave and searching when it has so far not asked [Mrs. Clinton] one single tough question.” Amazing isn’t the word. This is the same press that refused to report the roughing up of journalists by Hillary’s security goons during the St Patrick’s Day parade.
That America’s mainstream media is joined at the hip to the Democrat Party is easily confirmed by the extent to which they cooperated with the Clinton administration in trying to silence Johnny Chung, the man who spilt the beans on the Chinagate scandal. This is the same media — led by the Treason Times with Sulzberger at the helm — that deliberately aided al Qaeda by exposing US intelligence operations.
(I think American patriots need to understand one thing about creatures like Sulzberger: they were born in America, educated in America and speak with American accents — and yet they are not Americans. In fact they despise the United States and real Americans. This is one of the reasons they can so easily libel US troops as Nazis).
You won’t be surprised to learn that the New York Times knowingly sabotaged the FBI’s investigation into the ‘Chinagate’ by blowing Chung’s cover and putting his life at risk. It would not be a stretch to accuse the Times of deliberately fingering Chun in the knowledge that this would further endanger his life. No wonder the FBI felt impelled to give him 24-hour protection. The Times action was a cold-blooded attempt to kill the investigation and destroy Chung’s efforts to expose the Clintons, even though it might mean his assassination.
(That the Times should do this is not surprising when one considers its links to the ardently pro-Castro Institute for Policy Studies and CounterSpy, an IPS spin-off that fed papers like the Times with KGB-supplied information on American agents).
To make matters worse, Clinton appointees at the Justice Department instructed the FBI to withdraw bodyguards assigned to protect Chung and his family. These appointees are hardcore Democrats, the kind that went easy on Sandy Berger, leaked intelligence information that endangered American lives and blacken America’s reputation. For these partisan Democrats Party comes before country. In their eyes — to paraphrase Louis the XIV — the Democrats are the state.
This line of arrogant thinking leads to the conclusion that Republican administrations are illegitimate and the Republican Party is the real threat to the state and not Islamofascists. Therefore it is their duty as self-appointed guardians of the public welfare to do whatever they can to destroy President Bush. This is what they really think and it is what the psychopathic Clintons’ think. It was Bill Clinton who told Dick Morris:
You have to understand, Bob Dole is evil, and what he wants is evil.
Although Morris eventually cottoned on to just how bad the Clintons really are, millions of Americans still remain in ignorance of this pair’s corruption and contempt for the US. And the principal reason for this dangerous state of affairs is the corruption of the mainstream media who covered up for the Clintons because they share their awful vision of a United States in which the Constitution has been ‘superseded’ by protocols that permanently puts all power in the hands of Democrat Party.
Let me return to the Judicial Watch dinner for further evidence of media corruption. The tale Chung related was pure nitro and exposed the Clinton White House as not only the most corrupt in American history but the only one that actually engaged in what can only be described as treason. Clinton is to China what Benedict Arnold was to the British, only Clinton has, so far, escaped retribution. (I think it only fair to point out that though Arnold betrayed his newly formed country he was never a coward or a rapist).
The media’s behaviour has forced me to conclude that they are the real scandal and threat to the country. If the media were dominated by patriots they would never have allowed any political party to corrupt the State Department , the CIA and the Justice Department. Not only did they allow it, they actively supported the infiltration of these departments by Democrat operatives. Recent events have, in my opinion, exposed the extent to which these subverted departments have now become a serious threat to the United States.
What is to be done, particularly now that the corrupt Hillary Clinton is aiming for the White House? The first thing is to alert the American public to the fact that a leftist cancer has metastasised throughout the nation’s institutions and that it needs to be confronted. Naturally fear of exposure will give rise to charges of “McCarthyism”. But the people should be reminded of the fact that it is the Democrats who demonise people and who called US troops “Nazis”. “murderers”, “torturers”, “thugs” President Bush “Hitler”. It should also be constantly stressed that Journalists who expose intelligence operations aimed at combating terrorism are anything but patriotic.
I cannot resist the thought that it is the absence, or even loathing, of patriotism that explains the mainstream media’s efforts to defend the Democrats, libel Republicans, smear the troops and betray intelligence secrets to the enemy. The media has obviously become a willing handmaiden to the Democrats. How many people know, for instance, that the day after Chung went public on Chinagate his life was threatened and IRS officials brazenly filed a tax lien against his property. All of this without a peep from the MSM.
The Democratic National Committee even had the nerve to directly interfere in the judicial process by trying to force Judge Manuel Real into imposing a heavy sentence on Chung for campaign funding violations — but not on those Democrats who took the funds. The judge sarcastically noted the DNC’s hypocrisy, calling DNC officials Sullivan and Don Fowler “two of the dumbest politicians I’ve ever seen”. He also condemned Reno for refusing to appoint an independent counsel.
Why Chung? Why didn’t these great American patriots in the DNC insist that Clinton and his cronies be punished? Could it be because these political pimps no more care about patriotism than they care about the Constitution? I fear the answer is in the affirmative, so deep is the cancer that is eating away at the Democrat Party. Compare their Mafia-like treatment of Chung with the ridiculous sentence Reno recommended for Charlie Trie, embarrassing the Little Rock judge who convicted him into raising it.
We now have another Chinagate with Hillary up to her neck in slime while Hsu disappears from the front pages. So while the media claimed to have reported the scandal the fact is that they refused to draw the connection between Hsu’s financial shenanigans and Hillary corruption. One would have to incredibly naïve to believe that these phony journalists would have allowed an Republican to get away with this outrage.
Yet we must, I think, focus on the fact that the Clintons are a symptom and not a cause of what ails America’s body politic. People had hoped that once the Clintons were out of the White House the rot would leave with them. They were bitterly disappointed to find that the situation has worsened, that the above institutions are as corrupt as ever and the Democrats even more vindictive and demagogic in their relentless tactics of personal destruction, knowing full well that the media, especially the networks, will largely act as their willing assassins.

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