Sunday, November 18, 2007

Paper Shufflers Unite For The Vote!


Thursday, November 15, 2007 -
The politicians who run Texas government want you to hand over three billion of your hard-earned taxbucks so they can create yet another state bureaucracy. It's called Proposition 15 and it will be on the November 6 statewide ballot. A yes vote will change the Texas Constitution, which will authorize taxpayer funded cancer research. It won't cure cancer. It will only create a bureaucracy. Like a dog that can't pass a tree without giving it a hind-legged salute, government can't do anything without creating a bureaucracy. A career bureaucrat with ruling-party connections will be appointed to the top spot of this so-called "cancer research" bureaucracy and receive the six figure salary and all the taxpayer-funded perks and bennies that the rest of us mere mortals can only dream of. The Bureaucrat will then appoint all of his or her cronies and hangers-on and toadies to executive positions. Career civil servants, whose jobs will primarily consist of shuffling papers from inbox to outbox, will be set for life.

1 comment:

  1. I don't mind folks posting my article (The Cancercrats of Texas) on their websites but I strongly prefer that the entire article be posted with my byline and with no changes, or if a small sampling of the article is posted, as in this case, it should link to my website so people can read the entire article. the link is
