Monday, November 12, 2007

The Sin Of The NAU

Raping American Sovereignty and a North American Union
Dana GabrielStop Monday November 12, 2007
It is becoming harder to chronicle the treasonous, dirty, despicable acts perpetrated by our government. Our sovereignty should not be given away, nor should it be for sale to the highest bidder as it is something to protect and it further defines us as a nation. The enemies of sovereignty are many and some include the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP), the World Trade Organization (WTO), the North American Free Trade Agreement, (NAFTA), and the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA). Our government is in collusion with powerful private corporate interests, and they are working together to create a North American Union. Every nation has the right and duty to protect its citizens, and it ceases to exist as a sovereign independent country if it fails to defend and control its own national borders. Multinational corporations view borders as barriers to increased profits and envision a world without them. Much of America's key infrastructure has been sold or is being leased to foreign corporations. We are surrendering our sovereignty, and the corporate takeover of America is almost complete. Some will have us believe that doing away with our sovereignty will bring big rewards and will benefit all. Tell that to the middle class and working poor. The result of globalization has meant that we have exchanged self-sufficiency, independence, and sovereignty for dependency.
The WTO serves as a middleman, forcing nations to change its laws and brings unwanted meddling in domestic affairs. It severely undermines national sovereignty and allows for the domination of trade policies by multinational corporations. The WTO has given free reign and granted entrenched rights to the world's largest banks and corporations. It has the power to impose sanctions and lacks any real democratic accountability with hearings and disputes conducted by secret tribunals. It also has the power to overturn sovereign nation's laws in areas of tax, labor, environment, and consumer safety. The U.S. was forced to change tax laws relating to Foreign Sales Corporations, and the WTO rules that each year the U.S. must issue at least 65,000 H-1B work visas or be fined for not allowing enough foreign labor to enter the country. With more frequency, multinational corporations are turning to the WTO in an effort to change U.S. laws including zoning laws which could be changed by international courts. Former Republican House speaker Newt Gingrich said of the WTO, “We need to be honest about the fact that we are transferring from the United States, at a practical level significant authority to a new organization.” Our own laws should never be changed or overridden by a body of unelected bureaucrats. The WTO has lead to the loss of more sovereignty and democracy which has limited our decision making.
NAFTA has lead to the loss of millions of American jobs, it has created trade deficits with both Canada and Mexico and has accelerated the destruction of the middle class. NAFTA severely undermines our sovereignty and control. Under Chapter 11, new rights and privileges were granted to foreign investors operating in Canada, the U.S., and Mexico. It has lead to state, provincial and municipal governments being challenged by corporations using their new rights to undermine environmental and judicial decisions. Foreign corporate investors can sue NAFTA countries for cash compensation in secret tribunals if they feel their rights have been violated. Foreign investors have been granted more rights than U.S. corporations and American citizens. CAFTA is equally as devastating, and is essentially an outsourcing agreement that will lead to the loss of more jobs and it will gut all buy American laws which give preference to local companies. Under CAFTA, multinational corporations will have the power to challenge environmental and public interests laws. It could also undermine immigration laws, giving international tribunals the power to rule over Congress. CAFTA seeks to wipe out American laws, and along with NAFTA is being used to breakdown national independence and sovereignty. It was former secretary of state Henry Kissinger who called NAFTA a step towards a New World Order. Many who view NAFTA as a success want to use it as the model for the proposed Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), which would encompass the whole hemisphere.
The North American Union is being created incrementally, using evolution by stealth, and is being done at the expense of our sovereignty. It is being created by unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats, and SPP working groups who are writing policy initiatives. One of the leading experts on the NAU Jerome Corsi said, “The SPP is creating new trilateral memoranda of understanding and mutual agreements which should be submitted to the Senate for two-thirds votes as international treaties.” He went on to say, “They are sharing their laws and regulations so we can harmonize and integrate our laws into a North American structure, not a USA structure.” Bureaucrats are able to move about almost completely undetected and with little or no scrutiny. There is a real lack of transparency which makes this whole process undemocratic. The SPP was never debated or passed by the Senate, and the American people deserve to be consulted when they are losing their sovereignty and their Constitution is being trampled upon. Those who claim that the SPP is simply about open dialogue and cooperation are being anything but honest. We're talking about political and economic integration including a single North American currency, which would mean the end of our financial sovereignty, the merging of our laws, environmental, health and safety standards, a new court and tax system, and a new NAU constitution. Under the SPP, the U.S. and Canadian military are further merging their command structures. Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul said, “Any movement toward a North American Union diminishes the ability of average Americans to influence the laws under which they must live.” Inside a NAU there is no room for American sovereignty, and how can harmonizing regulations with Mexico and Canada not undermine our independence? Bureaucrats and corporate interests are shaping our future with seemingly no oversight, and as we shed more sovereignty, we will lose the ability to govern ourselves.
More and more of America's critical infrastructure, including highways, are being sold, leased, or manged by private foreign companies which constitutes a surrendering of our sovereignty. The Spanish company Cintra is financing and building the Trans-Texas-Corridor (TTC) and will lease and operate it as a toll road. Cintra-Macquaire consortium already has leases for the Indiana and Chicago Skyway toll roads. The TTC is to be the first leg of a NAFTA Superhighway and will be a borderless open transportation system that is the necessary infrastructure needed for a North American Union. Many of the trucks and freight trains filled with Chinese containers unloaded in Mexican ports will have Kansas City as a destination. To handle the increased flow of Chinese cheap goods, Kansas City will have an inland port, and part of the facility will include a Mexican customs office. It is to be staffed by Mexican government custom officials as Mexico wants the right to inspect their own trucks. More disturbing is that it is to be considered sovereign Mexican territory. Imagine a little piece of Mexico in the heartland of the United States. The Financial Services SPP working group has also outlined plans to improve Mexico's infrastructure using Canadian and American tax dollars. This will further facilitate the flow of cheap goods from China and benefit multinational corporations. All across America, already paid for roads and freeways are being converted into toll roads. Charging tolls for roads that have already been paid for is criminal, and furthermore the selling and leasing of key infrastructure to foreign interests threatens our sovereignty and security.
We are witnessing the destruction of a sovereign independent America as well as the transfer of power from our elected government to unelected, accountable bureaucrats. In many cases we are already powerless and bound by international treaties, which in some cases take precedence over our own laws. Any move towards a North American Union represents a betrayal of the American people, the Constitution, self-government, freedom, independence, sovereignty, our culture, and our values. Ron Paul said of the North American Union, “The real issue is national sovereignty. Once again, decisions that affect millions of Americans are not being made by those Americans themselves, or even by their elected representatives in Congress. Instead, a handful of elites use their government connections to bypass national legislatures and ignore our Constitution.” The attack on our democracy continues, and the raping of American sovereignty has left it a shadow of its former self. We are losing our ability to control our own destiny.

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