Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Birching Congress on the North American Union
Jim Capo JBSSaturday December 15, 2007
On Wednesday, December 12, members of the John Birch Society visited Congress and hand delivered 435 copies of The New American magazine's special issue on the North American Union to all of the members of the House of Representatives.
Follow this link to the original source: "TNA 1 Million x 2 Campaign"
Members of the John Birch Society around the nation have worked hard to warn their fellow citizens, and legislators at the local, state, and national levels, of the danger posed by the effort to build a North American Union. Those living within a day's round-trip drive of Washington, DC are lucky enough to be able to personally deliver timely and important informtion on this and other subjects directly to members of Congress.
Previous days of member action in Congress have included distribution of information in the battles over the Oman Free Trade Agreement, the SPP, and the Ramos-Compean travesty of justice. This Wednesday we added to our growing list of Congressional activities the distribution of copies of The New American special issue on the NAU as part of our 1 Million x 2 campaign. (As a talking point to prove the existential threat posed by the NAU, we also included info on the recent claim by NAFTA tribunal judges that they have the authority to over-ride federal circuit and state supreme court rulings.)
(Article continues below)
Every American citizen who can should spend a day in the halls of Congress. You never know what experiences await you. In earlier action we ran across the Columbia Free Trade deal delegation going from Congressional office to Congressional office — escorted by M-16 toting security officers!
This time we were taken aback in the opposite direction. While taking a picture of one of our groups outside the Cannon Office Building, we inadvertantly blocked the sidewalk. The result was that we gave a gentleman waiting behind us the chance to overhear our conversation about the North American Union. After waiting patiently for our picture to be completed, he approached our team of patriots and introduced himself as Congressman Paul Broun. Dr. Broun is our newest member of Congress. He won the special election to replace recently deceased Congressman Charlie Norwood of Georgia — one of the champions in Congress who fought valiantly against CAFTA.
Now here is the pleasant surprise part: While remarking to us that he is well aware of the dangers these so-called trade agreements pose to our sovereingty, Congressman Broun reached into is breast pocket and produced his copy of the US Constitution which he carries with him at all times. He went on to relate how his office has been instructed to follow his four-way test in determining the merits of all legislation:
"Is it Moral/Right? And, by that I mean Biblically sound.""Is it Constitutional?""Is it necessary?""Is it affordable?"
Congressman Broun also said he was familiar with another JBS member, former Congressman Larry McDonald from Georgia. In taking his copy of The New American and closing our brief sidewalk chat, he invited JBS members in his district to instruct his office how best to resist the move to merge our country into a North American Union. We are certainly following up on that offer!
Thanks to Congressman Broun, we were off to a great start delivering our message on the NAU to Congress. We went on to be both warmly or politely received by all offices of our representatives. The single exception was the office of Maxine Waters. There, her staffer, either recognizing The New American cover or the North American Union issue, quickly refused our material saying something to the effect of "I'm sure we will have no interest in that."
As for the offices whose staff were most receptive towards our message, as you might guess, they were Virgil Goode's, Duncan Hunter's, Walter Jones', Tom Tancredo's and several others.
If you would like to help create grassroots pressure on Congress to block the North American Union, please click here to donate to our "Million x Two, Block the NAU!" campaign to raise one million dollars to distribute one million copies of the special "North American Union Edition" issue of The New American magazine to opinion molders throughout the U.S.

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