Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Ruskies At Play

Russian naval group conducts exercises in North Sea
RIA NovostiTuesday December 11, 2007
Russian planes on board the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier have conducted 11 practice flights in the North Sea, a Navy spokesman said on Tuesday.
A Russian naval group, comprising an aircraft carrier, two large anti-submarine ships and a number of auxiliary vessels, left last Wednesday on a tour to the Mediterranean as part of Russia's plans to resume its continual presence in different regions of the world's seas.
Igor Dygalo said Sukhoi Su-33 Flanker-D and Su-35 Flanker-E fighters "practiced deck take-off and landing procedures on board the Admiral Kuznetsov heavy aircraft carrying cruiser."
Defense Minister Serdyukov earlier said a total of four combat ships and seven other vessels of Russia's Northern, Black Sea and Baltic fleets, as well as 47 planes and 10 helicopters, would take part in the Mediterranean tour, which will last until February 3.
During the tour, Russian ships will visit foreign ports and participate in joint exercises with foreign navies.

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