Monday, January 21, 2008

The UN Wants Your Kids

UN Wants Final Word on Rearing Your Kids
American Free PressMonday January 21, 2008
While pressing senators to reject the Law of the Sea Treaty, or LOST, patriots should also urge rejection of another “convention” sent to the chamber by Bilderberg President Bill Clinton that has been lurking since 1995. If the Senate ratifies the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the world body, not parents, will decide how to rear children.
The Senate is likely to get a significant makeover in the 2008 election. If your senators are incumbents with a good, America-first record, contact them and warn them of these two treaties. If one or both are new boys, give the man in-depth education. Even senators who are normally on good behavior can cast odd votes. For example, the late Sen. William Proxmire (D-Wis.) was a strong patriot and pork-fighter. But, unexplainably, he advocated ratification of the UN’s so-called “genocide treaty.”

If the Senate ratifies Rights of the Child, the state. acting under UN direction, will decide what your children read, who they associate with, what discipline (if any) can be imposed and whether or not they can be home schooled (home-schooled children perform significantly better academically than their peers in public schools).
But, regardless of merit or lack thereof, the UN should have no role in rearing America’s children. For that matter, Congress has no role in state school systems under the 10th Amendment.

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