Interdependence is Totalitarian Mankind at the Turning Point Part 1
Brent Jessop - Knowledge Driven Revolution.com February 11, 2008
"The World Has Cancer And The Cancer Is Man" - A. Gregg as quoted in Mankind at the Turning Point (1974)
In 1974 the book Mankind at the Turning Point: The Second Report to The Club of Rome [1] was published. This report states the need to create an "organic" or a truly interdependent society as the only way to save the world from the almost overwhelming world problematique. According to The Club of Rome, the world problematique is the set of interlocking world problems, such as, over population, food shortages, non-renewable resource depletion, environmental degradation, etc. With the use of absurd, exponentially based computer models, the complete unravelling of society and perhaps the biosphere was predicted. Not surprisingly the only solution capable of adverting global catastrophe is the development of an organic society. As I will show, a global organic society is only a euphemism for totalitarian world government. The Club of Rome is a premiere think tank composed of approximately 100 members including leading scientists, philosophers, political advisors and many other characters who lurk in the shadows of power. Organic Growth From Mankind at the Turning Point:
"In Nature organic growth proceeds according to a "master plan," a "blueprint." According to this master plan diversification among cells is determined by the requirements of the various organs; the size and shape of the organs and, therefore, their growth processes are determined by their function, which in turn depends on the needs of the whole organism. Such a "master plan" is missing from the process of growth and development of the world system." - 7 "The concept of the "organic growth" of mankind, as we have proposed in this report, is intended as a contribution toward achieving that end. Were mankind to embark on a path of organic growth, the world would emerge as a system of interdependent and harmonious parts, each making its own unique contributions, be it in economics, resources, or culture. ...Such an approach must start from and preserve the world's regional diversity. Paths of development, region-specific rather than based on narrow national interests, must be designed to lead to a sustainable balance between the interdependent world-regions and to global harmony - that is, to mankind's growth as an "organic entity" from its present barely embryonic state." [emphasis mine] - VIII "Apparently, the emerging world system requires a "holistic" view to be taken of the future world development: everything seems to depend on everything else." - 21
Interdependence is the End of Independence Though rarely stated and frequently denied, the concept of interdependent nations implies the end of national independence or sovereignty.
"And cooperation, finally, requires that the people of all nations face up to an admission that may not come easy. Cooperation by definition connotes interdependence. Increasing interdependence between nations and regions must then translate as a decrease in independence. Nations cannot be interdependent without each of them giving up some of, or at least acknowledging limits to, its own independence." - 111 "...the statement acknowledged, even if unintentionally, the dawn of an era of limits to independence - even for the strongest and biggest nations of the world." - 114
Interdependence is Totalitarian Bertrand Russell, a strong proponent of world government and all around elitist, wrote in his 1952 book The Impact of Science on Society [2] that the inevitable result of a society based on an organic philosophy can only result in totalitarianism. For more on this book please read this. From The Impact of Science on Society:
"The most obvious and inescapable effect of scientific technique is that it makes society more organic, in the sense of increasing the interdependence of its various parts..." - 42 "Totalitarianism has a theory as well as a practice. As a practice, it means that a certain group, having by one means or another seized the apparatus of power, especially armaments and police, proceed to exploit their advantageous position to the utmost, by regulating everything in the way that gives them the maximum of control over others. But as a theory it is something different: it is the doctrine that the State, or the nation, or the community is capable of a good different from that of individual and not consisting of anything that individuals think or feel. This doctrine was especially advocated by Hegal, who glorified the State, and thought that a community should be as organic as possible. In an organic community, he thought, excellence would reside in the whole. An individual is an organism, and we do not think that his separate parts have separate goods: if he has a pain in his great toe it is he that suffers, not specially the great toe. So, in an organic society, good and evil will belong to the whole rather than the parts. This is the theoretical form of totalitarianism. ...In concrete fact, when it is pretended that the State has a good different from that of the citizens, what is really meant is that the good of the government or of the ruling class is more important than that of other people. Such a view can have no basis except in arbitrary power. More important than these metaphysical speculations is the question whether a scientific dictatorship, such as we have been considering, can be stable, or is more likely to be stable than a democracy... ... I do not believe that dictatorship Is a lasting form of scientific society - unless (but this proviso is important) it can become world-wide." [emphasis mine] - 64
A worldwide organic society is exactly what The Club of Rome is proposing. Selling Totalitarianism It is interesting to note the pleasant soothing words used to sell the concept of totalitarianism: "organic", "holistic", "differentiated", "harmonious", "interdependent", "balanced" and "sustainable". The very same "sustainable development" is all the rage these days. Sustainable development was codified into international law during the United Nations Conference on the Environment and Development (popularly known as the Rio Earth Summit) in 1992. The Secretary General and main organizer of the conference was Maurice Strong. According to his own book, Where on Earth Are We Going? [3] he is a "Member of the Executive Committee of the Club of Rome". Creating A New Man and Total Material Interdependence How do you make the transition to an organic society? Part 2 of this series will examine the desires of The Club of Rome to change the value system of modern man.
"An analysis of problems and crises as reported in subsequent chapters indicate that (1) a "horizontal" restructuring of the world system is needed, i.e., a change in relationships among nations and regions and (2) as far as the "vertical" structure of the world system is concerned, drastic changes in the norm stratum - that is, in the value system and the goals of man - are necessary in order to solve energy, food, and other crises, i.e., social changes and changes in individual attitudes are needed if the transition to organic growth is to take place." [emphasis mine] - 54
The final part of this series will discuss the need for total control of all resources by a world authority.
"Now is the time to draw up a master plan for organic sustainable growth and world development based on global allocation of all finite resources and a new global economic system. Ten or twenty years form today it will probably be too late..." [emphasis mine] - 69
Brent Jessop - Knowledge Driven Revolution.com February 11, 2008
"The World Has Cancer And The Cancer Is Man" - A. Gregg as quoted in Mankind at the Turning Point (1974)
In 1974 the book Mankind at the Turning Point: The Second Report to The Club of Rome [1] was published. This report states the need to create an "organic" or a truly interdependent society as the only way to save the world from the almost overwhelming world problematique. According to The Club of Rome, the world problematique is the set of interlocking world problems, such as, over population, food shortages, non-renewable resource depletion, environmental degradation, etc. With the use of absurd, exponentially based computer models, the complete unravelling of society and perhaps the biosphere was predicted. Not surprisingly the only solution capable of adverting global catastrophe is the development of an organic society. As I will show, a global organic society is only a euphemism for totalitarian world government. The Club of Rome is a premiere think tank composed of approximately 100 members including leading scientists, philosophers, political advisors and many other characters who lurk in the shadows of power. Organic Growth From Mankind at the Turning Point:
"In Nature organic growth proceeds according to a "master plan," a "blueprint." According to this master plan diversification among cells is determined by the requirements of the various organs; the size and shape of the organs and, therefore, their growth processes are determined by their function, which in turn depends on the needs of the whole organism. Such a "master plan" is missing from the process of growth and development of the world system." - 7 "The concept of the "organic growth" of mankind, as we have proposed in this report, is intended as a contribution toward achieving that end. Were mankind to embark on a path of organic growth, the world would emerge as a system of interdependent and harmonious parts, each making its own unique contributions, be it in economics, resources, or culture. ...Such an approach must start from and preserve the world's regional diversity. Paths of development, region-specific rather than based on narrow national interests, must be designed to lead to a sustainable balance between the interdependent world-regions and to global harmony - that is, to mankind's growth as an "organic entity" from its present barely embryonic state." [emphasis mine] - VIII "Apparently, the emerging world system requires a "holistic" view to be taken of the future world development: everything seems to depend on everything else." - 21
Interdependence is the End of Independence Though rarely stated and frequently denied, the concept of interdependent nations implies the end of national independence or sovereignty.
"And cooperation, finally, requires that the people of all nations face up to an admission that may not come easy. Cooperation by definition connotes interdependence. Increasing interdependence between nations and regions must then translate as a decrease in independence. Nations cannot be interdependent without each of them giving up some of, or at least acknowledging limits to, its own independence." - 111 "...the statement acknowledged, even if unintentionally, the dawn of an era of limits to independence - even for the strongest and biggest nations of the world." - 114
Interdependence is Totalitarian Bertrand Russell, a strong proponent of world government and all around elitist, wrote in his 1952 book The Impact of Science on Society [2] that the inevitable result of a society based on an organic philosophy can only result in totalitarianism. For more on this book please read this. From The Impact of Science on Society:
"The most obvious and inescapable effect of scientific technique is that it makes society more organic, in the sense of increasing the interdependence of its various parts..." - 42 "Totalitarianism has a theory as well as a practice. As a practice, it means that a certain group, having by one means or another seized the apparatus of power, especially armaments and police, proceed to exploit their advantageous position to the utmost, by regulating everything in the way that gives them the maximum of control over others. But as a theory it is something different: it is the doctrine that the State, or the nation, or the community is capable of a good different from that of individual and not consisting of anything that individuals think or feel. This doctrine was especially advocated by Hegal, who glorified the State, and thought that a community should be as organic as possible. In an organic community, he thought, excellence would reside in the whole. An individual is an organism, and we do not think that his separate parts have separate goods: if he has a pain in his great toe it is he that suffers, not specially the great toe. So, in an organic society, good and evil will belong to the whole rather than the parts. This is the theoretical form of totalitarianism. ...In concrete fact, when it is pretended that the State has a good different from that of the citizens, what is really meant is that the good of the government or of the ruling class is more important than that of other people. Such a view can have no basis except in arbitrary power. More important than these metaphysical speculations is the question whether a scientific dictatorship, such as we have been considering, can be stable, or is more likely to be stable than a democracy... ... I do not believe that dictatorship Is a lasting form of scientific society - unless (but this proviso is important) it can become world-wide." [emphasis mine] - 64
A worldwide organic society is exactly what The Club of Rome is proposing. Selling Totalitarianism It is interesting to note the pleasant soothing words used to sell the concept of totalitarianism: "organic", "holistic", "differentiated", "harmonious", "interdependent", "balanced" and "sustainable". The very same "sustainable development" is all the rage these days. Sustainable development was codified into international law during the United Nations Conference on the Environment and Development (popularly known as the Rio Earth Summit) in 1992. The Secretary General and main organizer of the conference was Maurice Strong. According to his own book, Where on Earth Are We Going? [3] he is a "Member of the Executive Committee of the Club of Rome". Creating A New Man and Total Material Interdependence How do you make the transition to an organic society? Part 2 of this series will examine the desires of The Club of Rome to change the value system of modern man.
"An analysis of problems and crises as reported in subsequent chapters indicate that (1) a "horizontal" restructuring of the world system is needed, i.e., a change in relationships among nations and regions and (2) as far as the "vertical" structure of the world system is concerned, drastic changes in the norm stratum - that is, in the value system and the goals of man - are necessary in order to solve energy, food, and other crises, i.e., social changes and changes in individual attitudes are needed if the transition to organic growth is to take place." [emphasis mine] - 54
The final part of this series will discuss the need for total control of all resources by a world authority.
"Now is the time to draw up a master plan for organic sustainable growth and world development based on global allocation of all finite resources and a new global economic system. Ten or twenty years form today it will probably be too late..." [emphasis mine] - 69
Creating A One World Consciousness Mankind at the Turning Point Part 2
Brent Jessop - Knowledge Driven Revolution.com February 18, 2008
"The modern crises are, in fact, man-made, and differ from many of their predecessors in that they can be dealt with." [emphasis in original] - Mankind at the Turning Point, 1974 (p15)
Mankind at the Turning Point: The Second Report to the Club of Rome [1] (1974) states their desire to create a unified organic (or interdependent) world system. This system is by definition totalitarian, as was discussed in part one of this series. Now that we know were we are headed, the next question is what will the transition look like? The Club of Rome is a premiere think tank composed of approximately 100 members including leading scientists, philosophers, political advisors and many other characters who lurk in the shadows of power. Machines of Doom and the End of Humanity The focus of Mankind at the Turning Point is a computer model that supposedly replicates the major features of the world problematique. According to The Club of Rome, the world problematique is the set of interlocking world problems, such as, over population, food shortages, non-renewable resource depletion, environmental degradation, etc. Not surprisingly, their self serving model, based on exponential inputs, predicts the complete unravelling of society and perhaps the biosphere. Naturally, failure to implement The Club of Rome's solution of a totalitarian world government will result in the potential end of humanity. From Mankind at the Turning Point:
"Therefore we have concentrated out efforts in this report on a number of vital worldwide issues whose mastery we consider essential for man's survival and for an eventual transition into sustainable material and spiritual development of humanity." [emphasis mine] - XII "Whether or not to embark on the path of organic growth is a question of mankind's very survival..." [emphasis mine] - 70
The Transition - Creating A New Mankind The transition to this totalitarian world government will be made by changing the value systems of the entire planet, creating a one world consciousness.
"Today it seems that the basic values, which are ingrained in human societies of all ideologies and religious persuasions, are ultimately responsible for many of our troubles. But if future crises are to be avoided, how then should these values be readjusted?" [emphasis mine] - 11 "An analysis of problems and crises as reported in subsequent chapters indicate that (1) a "horizontal" restructuring of the world system is needed, i.e., a change in relationships among nations and regions and (2) as far as the "vertical" structure of the world system is concerned, drastic changes in the norm stratum - that is, in the value system and the goals of man - are necessary in order to solve energy, food, and other crises, i.e., social changes and changes in individual attitudes are needed if the transition to organic growth is to take place." [emphasis mine] - 54 "The changes in social and individual attitudes which we are recommending require a new kind of education..." - 148 "Development of a practical international framework in which the cooperation essential for the emergence of a new mankind on an organic growth path will become a matter of necessity rather than being left to good will and preference..." [emphasis mine] - 145 "The transition from the present undifferentiated and unbalanced world growth to organic growth will lead to the creation of a new mankind [emphasis mine]. Such a transition would represent a dawn, not a doom, a beginning not the end. Will mankind have the wisdom and will power to evolve a sound strategy to achieve that transition? In view of historical precedents, one might, legitimately, have serious doubts - unless the transition evolves out of necessity. And this is where the current and future crises - in energy, food, materials, and the rest - can become error-detectors, catalysts for change, and as such blessings in disguise. The solutions of these crises will determine on which of the two paths mankind has chosen to travel." [emphasis in original] - 9
The Transition - One World Consciousness
"Regarding individual values and attitudes the following lessons seem to be outstanding for the new global ethic implicit in the preceding requirements: 1) A world consciousness must be developed through which every individual realizes his role as a member of the world community... It must become part of the consciousness of every individual that "the basic unit of human cooperation and hence survival is moving from the national to the global level." 2) A new ethic in the use of material resources must be developed which will result in a style of life compatible with the oncoming age of scarcity... One should be proud of saving and conserving rather than of spending and discarding. 3) An attitude toward nature must be developed based on harmony rather than conquest. Only in this way can man apply in practice what is already accepted in theory - that is, that man is an integral part of nature. 4) If the human species is to survive, man must develop a sense of identification with future generations and be ready to trade benefits to the next generations for the benefits to himself. If each generation aims at maximum good for itself, Homo Sapiens is as good as doomed." [emphasis mine] - 147 "In order to achieve balance between regions in global development a more coherent regional outlook must be developed in various parts of the world so that the "preferable solutions" will be arrived at out of necessity rather than out of good will... we are talking about a regional sense of common destiny that will find its expression through appropriate societal, economic concepts and objectives... Such a regional outlook will create a "critical mass" necessary for the practical implementation of new and innovative ways of functioning in cultural, economic, and agricultural areas, especially on the rural level." [emphasis mine] - 154
The Transition - Global Warming and the New Mankind This methodology of doom prediction based on complex, "expert" generated, unverifiable computer models was later taken in full stride by the global warming propagandists. Both had the exact same intent, scare people into believing that the world was on the verge of complete collapse and that the only solution is world government. In reality, the global warming myth is an extension of The Club of Rome's activities From Mankind at the Turning Point:
"Governments and international organizations are currently too preoccupied with military alliances and bloc politics. But this problem is becoming of secondary importance... Therefore, barring suicide, mankind will face the most awesome test in its history: the necessity of a change in the man-nature relationship and the emergence of a new perception of mankind as a living global system." [emphasis mine] - 146 "Precisely because the symptoms of these global crises might become fully visible only toward the end of the century, the time to act is now; when the symptoms become clear the remedy will no longer be possible, as has been shown repeatedly in this report. Future history will not focus on personality and social classes, as has been characteristic of history in the past, but on the use of resources and survival of the human species. The time to affect that history is now." [emphasis mine] - 146
The quote above cannot be emphasized enough. The fear that has been used to unify our national societies is being moved from the Hitler/Saddam Hussein type personalities and the Communist/Capitalist class struggles to global unity based on resource depletion and the survival of the human species. Furthermore, in 1991, in a book entitled The First Global Revolution: A Report by the Council of The Club of Rome [2] and coauthored by one of the founders of The Club of Rome, Alexander King, they admitted choosing global warming and other threats to unify humanity under a world government.
"In searching for a new enemy to unite us [all of humanity], we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. In their totality and in their interactions, these phenomena constitute a common threat which as the enemy, we fall into the trap about which we have already warned, namely mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity itself." [emphasis mine]
Brent Jessop - Knowledge Driven Revolution.com February 18, 2008
"The modern crises are, in fact, man-made, and differ from many of their predecessors in that they can be dealt with." [emphasis in original] - Mankind at the Turning Point, 1974 (p15)
Mankind at the Turning Point: The Second Report to the Club of Rome [1] (1974) states their desire to create a unified organic (or interdependent) world system. This system is by definition totalitarian, as was discussed in part one of this series. Now that we know were we are headed, the next question is what will the transition look like? The Club of Rome is a premiere think tank composed of approximately 100 members including leading scientists, philosophers, political advisors and many other characters who lurk in the shadows of power. Machines of Doom and the End of Humanity The focus of Mankind at the Turning Point is a computer model that supposedly replicates the major features of the world problematique. According to The Club of Rome, the world problematique is the set of interlocking world problems, such as, over population, food shortages, non-renewable resource depletion, environmental degradation, etc. Not surprisingly, their self serving model, based on exponential inputs, predicts the complete unravelling of society and perhaps the biosphere. Naturally, failure to implement The Club of Rome's solution of a totalitarian world government will result in the potential end of humanity. From Mankind at the Turning Point:
"Therefore we have concentrated out efforts in this report on a number of vital worldwide issues whose mastery we consider essential for man's survival and for an eventual transition into sustainable material and spiritual development of humanity." [emphasis mine] - XII "Whether or not to embark on the path of organic growth is a question of mankind's very survival..." [emphasis mine] - 70
The Transition - Creating A New Mankind The transition to this totalitarian world government will be made by changing the value systems of the entire planet, creating a one world consciousness.
"Today it seems that the basic values, which are ingrained in human societies of all ideologies and religious persuasions, are ultimately responsible for many of our troubles. But if future crises are to be avoided, how then should these values be readjusted?" [emphasis mine] - 11 "An analysis of problems and crises as reported in subsequent chapters indicate that (1) a "horizontal" restructuring of the world system is needed, i.e., a change in relationships among nations and regions and (2) as far as the "vertical" structure of the world system is concerned, drastic changes in the norm stratum - that is, in the value system and the goals of man - are necessary in order to solve energy, food, and other crises, i.e., social changes and changes in individual attitudes are needed if the transition to organic growth is to take place." [emphasis mine] - 54 "The changes in social and individual attitudes which we are recommending require a new kind of education..." - 148 "Development of a practical international framework in which the cooperation essential for the emergence of a new mankind on an organic growth path will become a matter of necessity rather than being left to good will and preference..." [emphasis mine] - 145 "The transition from the present undifferentiated and unbalanced world growth to organic growth will lead to the creation of a new mankind [emphasis mine]. Such a transition would represent a dawn, not a doom, a beginning not the end. Will mankind have the wisdom and will power to evolve a sound strategy to achieve that transition? In view of historical precedents, one might, legitimately, have serious doubts - unless the transition evolves out of necessity. And this is where the current and future crises - in energy, food, materials, and the rest - can become error-detectors, catalysts for change, and as such blessings in disguise. The solutions of these crises will determine on which of the two paths mankind has chosen to travel." [emphasis in original] - 9
The Transition - One World Consciousness
"Regarding individual values and attitudes the following lessons seem to be outstanding for the new global ethic implicit in the preceding requirements: 1) A world consciousness must be developed through which every individual realizes his role as a member of the world community... It must become part of the consciousness of every individual that "the basic unit of human cooperation and hence survival is moving from the national to the global level." 2) A new ethic in the use of material resources must be developed which will result in a style of life compatible with the oncoming age of scarcity... One should be proud of saving and conserving rather than of spending and discarding. 3) An attitude toward nature must be developed based on harmony rather than conquest. Only in this way can man apply in practice what is already accepted in theory - that is, that man is an integral part of nature. 4) If the human species is to survive, man must develop a sense of identification with future generations and be ready to trade benefits to the next generations for the benefits to himself. If each generation aims at maximum good for itself, Homo Sapiens is as good as doomed." [emphasis mine] - 147 "In order to achieve balance between regions in global development a more coherent regional outlook must be developed in various parts of the world so that the "preferable solutions" will be arrived at out of necessity rather than out of good will... we are talking about a regional sense of common destiny that will find its expression through appropriate societal, economic concepts and objectives... Such a regional outlook will create a "critical mass" necessary for the practical implementation of new and innovative ways of functioning in cultural, economic, and agricultural areas, especially on the rural level." [emphasis mine] - 154
The Transition - Global Warming and the New Mankind This methodology of doom prediction based on complex, "expert" generated, unverifiable computer models was later taken in full stride by the global warming propagandists. Both had the exact same intent, scare people into believing that the world was on the verge of complete collapse and that the only solution is world government. In reality, the global warming myth is an extension of The Club of Rome's activities From Mankind at the Turning Point:
"Governments and international organizations are currently too preoccupied with military alliances and bloc politics. But this problem is becoming of secondary importance... Therefore, barring suicide, mankind will face the most awesome test in its history: the necessity of a change in the man-nature relationship and the emergence of a new perception of mankind as a living global system." [emphasis mine] - 146 "Precisely because the symptoms of these global crises might become fully visible only toward the end of the century, the time to act is now; when the symptoms become clear the remedy will no longer be possible, as has been shown repeatedly in this report. Future history will not focus on personality and social classes, as has been characteristic of history in the past, but on the use of resources and survival of the human species. The time to affect that history is now." [emphasis mine] - 146
The quote above cannot be emphasized enough. The fear that has been used to unify our national societies is being moved from the Hitler/Saddam Hussein type personalities and the Communist/Capitalist class struggles to global unity based on resource depletion and the survival of the human species. Furthermore, in 1991, in a book entitled The First Global Revolution: A Report by the Council of The Club of Rome [2] and coauthored by one of the founders of The Club of Rome, Alexander King, they admitted choosing global warming and other threats to unify humanity under a world government.
"In searching for a new enemy to unite us [all of humanity], we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. In their totality and in their interactions, these phenomena constitute a common threat which as the enemy, we fall into the trap about which we have already warned, namely mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity itself." [emphasis mine]
A Planned World Economy Mankind at the Turning Point Part 3
Brent Jessop - Knowledge Driven Revolution.com February 25, 2008
"The human race is getting to be too much for itself and too much for the world." - William Saroyan as quoted in Mankind at the Turning Point (1974)
The Club of Rome is a premiere think tank composed of approximately 100 members including leading scientists, philosophers, political advisors and many other characters who lurk in the shadows of power. This series of articles described the major conclusions of the 1974 book Mankind at the Turning Point: The Second Report to The Club of Rome [1]. Part 1 described their desire for the development of a totalitarian world system presented under the euphemism of an "organic society". Part 2 described the need to create a new value system to ensure the acceptance of the upcoming world government. This new value system will be based on a "world consciousness." Mankind at the Turning Point used an absurd, exponentially based computer model of the world system in an attempt to hide their predetermined conclusions behind the vale of science. One of the main scenarios developed by the model was an analysis of the price of oil. This was an obvious choice due to the importance of oil to the world economy and the Middle East oil crisis which began the previous year (1973). The conclusion of this analysis was that an optimal price exists for oil. A price too high, would encourage development of alternatives and result in long-term losses to the exporting nations. A price too low, would encourage over use and resource depletion which would result in long-term losses of the importing nations who would not have sufficient time to develop alternatives. Therefore, there existed an "optimal" price for oil and that the only way to obtain this price was through cooperation. Naturally, an optimal price would exist for all commodities and the only way to obtain these prices was a planned world economy. After all, a planned economy was working so well in the Soviet Union, why not extend it to the rest of the world? From Mankind at the Turning Point:
"The conclusion applies not just to oil, but to all of the finite resources - food, fertilizer, copper and so forth. The "most beneficial" price range and the proper rate of increase differ for each commodity, but the optimal level exists for all and should be determined and then on a global basis maintained by all participants in the world system - if recurrence of the world economic crises due to resource-constraints is to be prevented." [emphasis mine] - 100 "Indeed, nothing short of a complete integration of all strata, from individual values to ecology and mineral resources - and on a global scale - will suffice for the solution of the world food crises..." [emphasis mine] - 87
Redistribution of Industry Not satisfied with the control of resource prices the report also stresses the need for a planned redistribution of industry throughout the world, especially to South Asia.
"Scenario five - the only way to avert unprecedented disaster in South Asia - requires the emergence of a new global economic order. Industrial diversification will have to be worldwide and carefully planned with special regard for regional specificity. The most effective use of labour and capital, and the availability of resources, will have to be assessed on a global, long-term basis. Such a system cannot be left to the mercy of narrow national interests, but must rely on long-range world economic arrangements... But the strain on the global food production capacity would be lessened if the eating habits in the affluent part of the world would change, becoming less wasteful." [emphasis mine] - 127
Global Resource Allocation System A planned economy would entail a powerful central government with the authority to allocate resources to areas it decrees most deserving.
"Now is the time to draw up a master plan for organic sustainable growth and world development based on global allocation of all finite resources and a new global economic system. Ten or twenty years form today it will probably be too late..." [emphasis mine] - 69 "The solution of these crises can be developed only in a global context with full and explicit recognition of the emerging world system and on a long-term basis. This would necessitate, among other changes, a new world economic order and a global resources allocation system." [emphasis mine] - 143
The horrors of this proposed system should be obvious to anyone, but for those without any imagination I will provide a quote from The Impact of Science on Society [2] by Bertrand Russell who was also a proponent of world government. The quote below highlights one of the benefits - in Russell's view - of such a world allocation system.
"To deal with this problem [increasing population and decreasing food supplies] it will be necessary to find ways of preventing an increase in world population. If this is to be done otherwise than by wars, pestilence, and famines, it will demand a powerful international authority. This authority should deal out the world's food to the various nations in proportion to their population at the time of the establishment of the authority. If any nation subsequently increased its population it should not on that account receive any more food. The motive for not increasing population would therefore be very compelling. What method of preventing an increase might be preferred should be left to each state to decide." - 124
Brent Jessop - Knowledge Driven Revolution.com February 25, 2008
"The human race is getting to be too much for itself and too much for the world." - William Saroyan as quoted in Mankind at the Turning Point (1974)
The Club of Rome is a premiere think tank composed of approximately 100 members including leading scientists, philosophers, political advisors and many other characters who lurk in the shadows of power. This series of articles described the major conclusions of the 1974 book Mankind at the Turning Point: The Second Report to The Club of Rome [1]. Part 1 described their desire for the development of a totalitarian world system presented under the euphemism of an "organic society". Part 2 described the need to create a new value system to ensure the acceptance of the upcoming world government. This new value system will be based on a "world consciousness." Mankind at the Turning Point used an absurd, exponentially based computer model of the world system in an attempt to hide their predetermined conclusions behind the vale of science. One of the main scenarios developed by the model was an analysis of the price of oil. This was an obvious choice due to the importance of oil to the world economy and the Middle East oil crisis which began the previous year (1973). The conclusion of this analysis was that an optimal price exists for oil. A price too high, would encourage development of alternatives and result in long-term losses to the exporting nations. A price too low, would encourage over use and resource depletion which would result in long-term losses of the importing nations who would not have sufficient time to develop alternatives. Therefore, there existed an "optimal" price for oil and that the only way to obtain this price was through cooperation. Naturally, an optimal price would exist for all commodities and the only way to obtain these prices was a planned world economy. After all, a planned economy was working so well in the Soviet Union, why not extend it to the rest of the world? From Mankind at the Turning Point:
"The conclusion applies not just to oil, but to all of the finite resources - food, fertilizer, copper and so forth. The "most beneficial" price range and the proper rate of increase differ for each commodity, but the optimal level exists for all and should be determined and then on a global basis maintained by all participants in the world system - if recurrence of the world economic crises due to resource-constraints is to be prevented." [emphasis mine] - 100 "Indeed, nothing short of a complete integration of all strata, from individual values to ecology and mineral resources - and on a global scale - will suffice for the solution of the world food crises..." [emphasis mine] - 87
Redistribution of Industry Not satisfied with the control of resource prices the report also stresses the need for a planned redistribution of industry throughout the world, especially to South Asia.
"Scenario five - the only way to avert unprecedented disaster in South Asia - requires the emergence of a new global economic order. Industrial diversification will have to be worldwide and carefully planned with special regard for regional specificity. The most effective use of labour and capital, and the availability of resources, will have to be assessed on a global, long-term basis. Such a system cannot be left to the mercy of narrow national interests, but must rely on long-range world economic arrangements... But the strain on the global food production capacity would be lessened if the eating habits in the affluent part of the world would change, becoming less wasteful." [emphasis mine] - 127
Global Resource Allocation System A planned economy would entail a powerful central government with the authority to allocate resources to areas it decrees most deserving.
"Now is the time to draw up a master plan for organic sustainable growth and world development based on global allocation of all finite resources and a new global economic system. Ten or twenty years form today it will probably be too late..." [emphasis mine] - 69 "The solution of these crises can be developed only in a global context with full and explicit recognition of the emerging world system and on a long-term basis. This would necessitate, among other changes, a new world economic order and a global resources allocation system." [emphasis mine] - 143
The horrors of this proposed system should be obvious to anyone, but for those without any imagination I will provide a quote from The Impact of Science on Society [2] by Bertrand Russell who was also a proponent of world government. The quote below highlights one of the benefits - in Russell's view - of such a world allocation system.
"To deal with this problem [increasing population and decreasing food supplies] it will be necessary to find ways of preventing an increase in world population. If this is to be done otherwise than by wars, pestilence, and famines, it will demand a powerful international authority. This authority should deal out the world's food to the various nations in proportion to their population at the time of the establishment of the authority. If any nation subsequently increased its population it should not on that account receive any more food. The motive for not increasing population would therefore be very compelling. What method of preventing an increase might be preferred should be left to each state to decide." - 124
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