Monday, April 14, 2008

Aussies Snoop On Their E-Mailers; Oh It'll Be Here Soon, If Not Already

Email spy plan about national security: Gillard
Posted Mon Apr 14, 2008 7:16am AEST Updated Mon Apr 14, 2008 9:21am AEST

Spy laws: Employers would be able to look at employees' emails under proposed new laws (ABC News: Giulio Saggin)
Employers would be able to read their staff's emails under proposed new national security laws being considered by the Federal Government.
The new laws would give companies extra powers to monitor their computer networks to prevent cyber-attacks.
They would be allowed to check their staff's emails and internet communications without their consent.
Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard has told Channel Nine the proposed changes would step up national security of Australia's computer networks.
"We want to make sure that they are safe from terrorist attack," she said.
"Part of doing that is making sure we've got the right powers to ensure that we can tell if there's something unusual going on in the system.
"So it's a national security move, not a move about an unseemly interest in people's private emails.
"We're monitoring risk when risk is heightened," she continued.
"Obviously there will be greater security, but it really is focused on national security for the IT [and] electronic infrastructure - the systems that are vital for making our society run."
A spokesman for the Attorney-General says cyber-threats are growing and that privacy experts and unions will be consulted about the proposed laws.
But Dale Clapperton from internet rights watchdog Electronic Frontiers Australia says therte is no need for the proposed laws.
"These types of powers, which are currently only enjoyed by a select few agencies including ASIO, the Australian Federal Police, and organisations such as state crime and conduct commissions, shouldn't be extended to companies which are providing critical infrastructure services," he said.

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