Monday, June 23, 2008

Boston's Big Dig Fails........Again

{I see it as an irony that when justly leveled criticism was voiced against the ridiculously expensive Big Dig; that the crooks screamed that critics would still have us living in caves. Funny, the caves would've cost us less and have been safer.......assholes. ~SOC}

Big Dig contractor files for bankruptcy

Jun 23 12:52 PM US/Eastern
BOSTON (AP) - A contractor on Boston's beleagured Big Dig tunnel project has filed for bankruptcy protection, one business day after federal prosecutors charged the company with lying about its work.
Modern Continental Co. made a Chapter 11 filing Monday in federal bankruptcy court in Boston. The bankruptcy petition lists debts of $500 million to $1 billion, and assets of $100 million to $500 million. The Boston Globe reports Modern Continental's board voted June 11 to seek protection from creditors.
On Friday, federal prosecutors charged the Big Dig's biggest contractor with lying about the quality of its work on two areas of the tunnel system. Those include a section where a ceiling collapse killed a woman.

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