Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Flat Tax: SOC Isn't A Fan Of The Idea, But We'll Listen

Why I'll Always Vote for a Flat Tax
Many of us think the flat tax is much fairer than so-called "progressive" tax, because everybody pays the same under a flat tax. If you have a flat tax, there's no need to raise the tax rate because a flat tax will remove economic disincentives and encourage economic growth. That will lead to higher incomes and more tax revenues, and it would mean that all taxpayers would be paying at the same or lower rate than the existing onerous system.Americans know, as it now stands, the U.S. Internal Revenue Code is a major mess.The IRC contains over nine million words. Nine million words - at 600 words a page - that's like reading a book with over 15,000 pages.This endless text is riddled with special interest loopholes, deductions, and exemptions which make both collecting taxes and enforcing tax law complicated and inefficient. Billions of dollars are wasted trying to comply with the IRC's convoluted provisions. The current tax law retards economic growth by distorting economic incentives by allowing, even encouraging tax avoidance.

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