Monday, July 28, 2008

Here's A Partial Rebuttal To Picken's Plan

Windmill farms: Just a bunch of hot air

Taxpayers may be forced to pay fortune for turbine power
Posted: July 27, 20088:07 pm Eastern© 2008 WorldNetDaily
Plans to combat energy crisis with wind turbine farms could backfire
With oilman T. Boone Pickins running television ads promoting wind power as a solution to the energy crisis, a report emerging from Great Britain argues that actual operating statistics from wind-turbine farms indicates generating electricity by wind turbines uses more hydrocarbon fuel than is saved.
Moreover, industrial wind power turns out to be exceptionally costly to consumers, once the required backup infrastructure is factored into the equation.
Wind power has generated excitement among energy analysts anxious to find renewable energy resources.

The U.S. Department of Energy released in May an enthusiastic report claiming the technical feasibility of harnessing wind power could provide up to 20 percent of the nation's total electricity needs by 2030.
The Economist is reporting Pickens's oil company, Mesa Oil, has invested $2 billion to build the world's largest wind farm in Pampa, Texas, a small town in the panhandle.
Pickens, whose net worth is estimated at $4 billion, told a Senate committee in June that he plans to pay for the transmission lines to carry Pampa wind-generated electricity into the infrastructure of the Dallas electricity grid.
He has created a new website proclaiming that "America is blessed with the world's greatest wind power corridor."
PickensPlan claims we can reach the Department of Energy's goal of using new wind generation facilities to generate 20 percent of U.S. electricity needs within 10 years.

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