Thursday, July 31, 2008

Smell That? It's "Catastrophe" In The Air...............

Experience in Catastrophe
"One of the things that he finds worrisome is that 'things may even be worse than I first thought', which probably shows why he was not selected to be the Republican presidential nominee; he is inexperienced in catastrophe."
by The Mogambo Guru
"The Crisis Is Upon Us" is an essay by Ron Paul, a retired pediatrician and the only guy in Congress that I would trust with the future of The United States of America by electing him President, and am inconsolable that he is not the Republican nominee, and now I must instead choose between some old white guy who has never had a job where he was not either mindlessly taking orders (the military, then Vietnamese captors) or screwing things up (he is currently one of the lowlife, numbskull, corrupt, yahoo Congresspersons that got us into this economic mess that is going to destroy America), or alternatively choosing to vote for some Leftist/Marxist affirmative-action black guy who knows absolutely nothing about real life (and is also currently one of the lowlife, numbskull, corrupt, yahoo Congresspersons that got us into this economic mess that is going to destroy America).
But this is not about how Mr. Paul would have made a great President instead of Ronald Reagan after Paul Volcker got rid of the horrendous inflation that consumed the '70s because he understands economics and he wouldn't have allowed the Fed to create all that excess money and credit that is causing inflation in consumer prices nor any of the other inflations/busts in asset prices, but about how that knowledge about economics leads him to ominously say, "I have days - growing more frequent all the time - when I'm convinced the time is now upon us that some Big Events are about to occur. The world economy and political system will share in the chaos about to be unleashed."
I know what you are thinking. You are saying to yourself, "Hey! That sounds a lot like what the Stupid Loudmouth Mogambo (SLM) is always yammering about, right before he starts getting hysterical about how it is all caused by the Federal Reserve creating too much money and credit, and proceeding from there to heaping justified insults on Congress (except Ron Paul), most of the Supreme Court, the United Nations, all foreigners and malevolent alien beings from outer space who are here to undermine the system prior to conquest by flying saucers and ray guns, which predictably leads to how we are freaking doomed, and if you are not buying gold and silver then you are some kind of drooling idiot!"
As correct as that is, it gets even MORE eerily reminiscent of the Loud And Fearful Mogambo (LAFM), off on one of his rambunctious toots as Mr. Paul goes on to list inflations ("gasoline prices over $4 a gallon; skyrocketing education and medical-care costs"), deflations ("the collapse of the housing bubble; the bursting of the NASDAQ bubble; stock markets plunging"), personal miseries ("unemployment rising; massive underemployment") and the crushing debts that are becoming un-payable ("excessive government debt; and unmanageable personal debt"), all caused by Alan Greenspan and the Federal Reserve.
That is why Mr. Paul says, "The financial crisis, still in its early stages, is apparent to everyone", and that there is "little doubt" about "whether we'll get stagflation. The question that will soon be asked is: When will the stagflation become an inflationary depression?"
One of the things that he finds worrisome is that "things may even be worse than I first thought", which probably shows why he was not selected to be the Republican presidential nominee; he is inexperienced in catastrophe.
In case you were wondering, this lack of experience with catastrophe is NOT the reason that I, The Mogambo, was not nominated to be the Republican candidate. In fact, I have lots and LOTS of experience in catastrophes, mostly in the vein of coming home after midnight stinking of cheap liquor and cheaper perfume, or showing up at work both late and ditto the liquor and perfume, but mostly because I am stupid, rude and impetuous, and which are the reasons why I never get promoted around here and am still stuck in this stupid, dead-end job and which, in turn, explains my constant hostility, vengeful paranoia and sour disposition, which IS the reason I was not nominated to be President.
The point is that with my wealth of experience, I know that things are ALWAYS going to be worse than you first thought. Usually a lot worse! Hahahaha!
And George Ure seems to agree with Mr. Paul's "Big Event" prediction, and says, "We're now inside the 90-day window to what I expect will be the 'Fall in the Fall' of the markets for any number of reasons."
And, apparently, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard at The Telegraph in London agrees with us, too, and writes, "we are now at the point of maximum danger. The US may soon tip into a second leg of this crisis as the fiscal package runs out and Americans lose jobs in earnest."
The reason he says this is, "US bank credit has contracted for three months" and "Real US wages fell at almost 10 percent (annualised) over May and June" (which is calculated as nominal wages less the inflationary fall in purchasing power), which makes for "a ferocious squeeze for an economy already in the grip of the property and debt crunch."
All I can say for them to do is to do what I do when a creditor calls me up demanding that I pay back some money; I say, "Mogambo fella him gone, no come back. Me no speakee English!" and hang up.

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