Monday, August 11, 2008

Reparations? Yeah, The French Kings Stole From My Ancestors! I Need A Handout!

Democratic convention chiefwants reparations for blacksShares controversial 'liberation' theology with Obama's ex-pastor Jeremiah Wright

The leader anointed by the Democratic Party to assemble the coronation of a 2008 presidential candidate in Denver in two weeks espouses the same black liberation theology pursue by Rev. Jeremiah Wright, whose church presumptive nominee Barack Obama was forced to leave because of its controversies.
Those included Wright's condemnation of America, a vicious attack on Hillary Clinton from the pulpit and others, and WND reported when, finally, the Obama campaign announced he was resigning his 20-year membership in the controversial organization.
Now a profile in the New York Times has revealed that Rev. Daughtry, whose father, Herbert Daughtry, who served prison time during his 20s for armed robbery and bad checks, also runs a church, shares popular "black liberation theology" beliefs such as the "debt" the United States "owes" all blacks as reparations for the existence of slavery two centuries back.
In a description of the church where family members have preached for decades, the Times said, "Below the sanctuary, in the fellowship hall, a banner for slavery reparations proclaimed, 'They Owe Us.' Fliers recounted Herbert Daughtry's arrest, a few weeks earlier, as he led marchers protesting the not-guilty verdict in the police killing of Sean Bell, an unarmed black man. His ministry has always combined consuming spirituality with black liberation theology – the theology Jeremiah Wright invoked this spring to defend his controversial sermons – and zealous political activism. Leah holds these forces within her."

Judi McLeod, a former Toronto Sun columnist, reported it will be, "Rev. Jeremiah Wright in a skirt" as CEO of the Democratic National Convention in Denver.
"While the media hounded Wright for his anti-American rants and while presidential hopeful Sen. Barack Hussein Obama divorced him as his personal pastor, Obama's head will be crowned by Leah Daughtry, who ardently believes in the same Marcist 'Black Liberation Theology' preached by Wright," McLeod wrote on Canada Free Press.
When Howard Dean, chairman of the DNC, announced Rev. Daughtry's appointment to the post of CEO in Denver, he cited her "strong guidance, skilled leadership and counsel."
She previously, he wrote, had served at the U.S. Department of Labor as assistant secretary of administration and management during the Clinton administration.
"We are thrilled to have Leah Daughtry leading our 2008 Democratic Convention team," Dean said at her 2007 appointment.
"I am honored to be a part of this exciting endeavor," Rev. Daughtry, of the House of the Lord Church in Washington, D.C., said then.
"Like Wright, Daughtry is in your face about her activism: 'That’s why I work in politics. My family, we're activists,' she described herself to in May 2007," wrote McLeod.
That interview included a number of revealing questions and answers.
Rev. Daughtry said her Pentecostal faith fits perfectly with the Democrat Party. "Why wouldn't it fit?" she suggested. "The Democratic Party is full of people of faith."
"Have you been to our conventions? Music and waving and happiness, it's perfect," she told The Hill.
Said McLeod: "Some would say with Marxist Momma in the top job, it's little wonder why Barack Obama is the DNC's Golden Boy coming to Denver with mainstream media garnered rock star status."
Daughtry also told The Hill it actually "makes me angry" that the "far right" has cornered the market on religion.
The Times reported Daughtry, 44, "is leading the Democratic Party's new mission to make religious believers – particular ardent Christian believers – view the party and its candidates as receptive to, and often impelled by, the dictates of faith."
Dean himself, during his 2004 campaign, had exposed his own biblical ignorance by naming Job as his favorite book in the New Testament, the Times said.
Dean told the Times Daughtry's arguments for acknowledging religion hit with the strength of revelation and Rev. Daughtry has a way "to connect with people's inner core."
Daughtry, who has not named her "favorite" for the nomination, however, has expressed pleasure over the Democrats' claim to be a party of members of faith.
"I think it's wonderful," she told the Times.
"Daughtry's mission, directed from within Democratic headquarters in Washington and the convention offices in Denver, is essential to transforming the party's reputation. So E. Terri LaVelle, an evangelical … who said, within a few minutes of our sitting down to talk, 'On the last Saturday in February 1973, I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my savior,' has traveled to evangelical events around the country, seeking to strike up relationships with leaders like the megachurch pastors Rick Warren and Joel Hunter and hoping that, at the very least, the party's new attention and respect, its desire to listen and engaged with evangelical issues, including abortion, is recognized," the Times reported.
She supports abortion, as does her father's church.
"God allows us to choose in the biggest matter whether to accept Him in our lives. How then can we take away choice on other profound issues?" she said.
Throughout her Times interview, "She didn't put any distance between herself and [the] book 'A Black Theology of Liberation," the report said. "At the basis of black liberation theology is the understanding that God has a special place in His heart for those at the bottom of the ladder," Rev. Daughtry said.


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