Here at Sound Of Cannons, we're sharpening up our crayons that Santa left for 2009! While we were hoping for Montblanc writing implements, we understand that ol'Saint Nick himself will be looking for a federal bailout after the Xmas season retail numbers are tallied up!
Your SOC Editors have recuperated with much holiday cheer and have been energized by the recent precious metal uptick, hope springs eternal. The loony left socialist factions have been working tirelessly to profer grist for our mill, so we will begin work shortly to offer our own snarky commentary to the last days of the Great American Republic. We're still shocked at the savaging that a Kennedy is getting seeking the NY Senate seat. You read that right, they beating up a KENNEDY! The liberal political machine eats it's own.
In the meantime, we will advise our investor readers to start gobbling up quality silver miners like SSRI and PAAS. It may be years before they're this cheap again..........and the trend is with us.
We'll put in a solid effort to make 2009 interesting with posts and commentary that the MSM just ignores. Thank you gentle readers for the past several years of reading; now we're energized for the next one! Thanks for the patience!
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