Here at Sound Of Cannons we heartily wish you a healthy and prosperous 2009! And as an addendum, we say, "SO FUCKING LONG 2008! DON'T LET THE FUCKING DOOR HIT YOU ON YOUR FUCKING ASS ON THE FUCKING WAY OUT! GOOD FUCKING RIDDANCE, YOU FUCK!"
Of course we realize that time segments like years can take no offense to such profane thoughts; but damn it if it doesn't make us feel better!
New posts full of contempt and vitriol will start appearing this coming weekend! As various government boards all over are calling for increased taxes, we feel the radical wind blowing of a national tax-payer revolt. The storm clouds have been forming on the horizon for awhile now, but now they're getting darker. It should be a fun ride!
Nurse that hangover, eat well and enjoy good company today. Make some measureable resolutions and keep reading SOUND OF CANNONS for your dose of outrage and advice for 2009!
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