Saturday, January 17, 2009

Mexico's Downfall May be Ours Too

Mexican Collapse and the Plan for a North American Union
Kurt NimmoInfowarsFriday, Jan 16, 2009
Mike Sunnucks, writing for the Phoenix Business Journal, exposes details of a recent report released by the Pentagon. According to the report, globalization and urbanization will fuel “social unrest, as well as a potential collapse of the Mexican government as that country deals with violence and corruption induced by drug cartels and organized crime.”

The Pentagon warns of “social unrest, as well as a potential collapse of the Mexican government as that country deals with violence and corruption induced by drug cartels and organized crime.”

On the surface, the Joint Operating Environment 2008 report by the U.S. Joint Forces Command is a self-serving document. It predicts multiple crises “if there are major reductions in U.S. defense spending,” including “terrorist networks obtaining nuclear and biological weapons, as well as instability and aggressiveness involving China, India, Pakistan, India and the Middle East.” On the other hand, the report may be seen as a blueprint for the establishment of a North American Union.
Glenn Williamson, CEO of the Canada Arizona Business Council, tells the Phoenix Business Journal he expects Obama to push for a North American Union, although Williamson does not specifically use that term. “I am starting to see a trend here from the new administration — possibly pulling in some U.S. assets in far-off countries that don’t even like us, and focusing more on a continental North America where Canada, the U.S. and Mexico could almost be energy self-sufficient,” Williamson said. “The U.S. and Canada need a strong Mexico for that to succeed. The concept of a broken Mexico or Canada on either border of the U.S. does not work.”

On January 13, the El Paso Times reported on the U.S. Joint Forces Command’s warning that Mexico may experience “a rapid and sudden collapse,” primarily due to the chaos spawned by drug cartels. Compared to the situation in Pakistan, the “Mexican possibility may seem less likely, but the government, its politicians, police and judicial infrastructure are all under sustained assault and press by criminal gangs and drug cartels. How that internal conflict turns out over the next several years will have a major impact on the stability of the Mexican state. Any descent by Mexico into chaos would demand an American response based on the serious implications for homeland security alone,” the Joint Operating Environment 2008 report stated.
More than a decade ago, a federal grand jury in Los Angeles charged Mexican banks and 26 Mexican bankers with laundering millions of dollars in drug profits. “The three Mexican banks that were charged are Bancomer and Banca Serfin, Mexico’s second- and third-largest banks, respectively, as well as Banca Confia, a smaller institution that was recently purchased by Citibank. Both Bancomer and Banca Serfin have branches in New York and Los Angeles and could face sanctions by regulators here,” the New York Times reported on May 19, 1998.

As Max Keiser and Catherine Austin Fitts explain in videos here, Wall Street and transnational corporations are not only intimately involved in the international drug trade, they in fact run this massive and extraordinary profitable illegal enterprise. Fitts proposes that without the infusion of drug money, the stock market would collapse.
In addition to the bankster involvement in the drug trade noted above, it is a well documented fact the CIA has a long and sordid history of running heroin and cocaine out of Southeast Asia and Latin America, not only in the service of Wall Street but also to fund covert operations around the world. For more on the CIA as international drug baron, see William Blum’s The Real Drug Lords: A brief history of CIA involvement in the Drug Trade
Thus we can safely assume the Mexican drug cartels are nothing if not franchise operations run by the banksters and their transnational corporate partners. If these cartels are engaged in murderous competition as we are told by the corporate media — a media owned and operated by the very same banksters — we can also assume the violence inside Mexico and on its border with the United States is not coincidental. It is part of a larger Hegelian dialectic.

Wall street not only profits handsomely from the international drug trade it has nurtured with the help of the CIA and its organized crime subset, but has exploited the violence and misery associated with the trade to propose not only draconian laws but regional and world government as well. It is a perfect example of the problem-reaction-solution paradigm used successfully since the days of Nero Claudius Caesar.
In addition to militarizing the border as outgoing Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff has proposed — the military parlance is unmistakable, as Chertoff calls his proposal a “surge” — president select Obama met with Mexican President Felipe Calderón earlier in the week. Calderón said the meeting “will be the beginning of an extraordinary age in the relationship between the United States and Mexico,” according to the Chicago Tribune. An earlier if not absurd phase of this “relationship” was implemented under the Mérida Initiative, a supposed “security cooperation” plan aimed at combating the manufactured threats of drug trafficking, transnational crime, and money laundering. Congress recently signaled its approval of the Mexican militarization plan costing several hundred million dollars.
Obama will focus on a “continental North America” scheme in response to the not only the drug violence in Mexico but also the faltering economies of Canada, Mexico, and the United States, both closely related and engineered contrivances of the global elite.
“On trade and the economy, President-elect Obama said that with both countries facing very difficult economic times, it’s important to work together to maintain a constructive and comprehensive dialogue,” an Obama transition press advisory stated after the meeting with Calderón. “He expressed his continued commitment to upgrading NAFTA to strengthen labor and environmental provisions to reflect the values that are widely shared in both of our countries, and proposed the creation of a consultative group to work on a host of issues important to the United States and Mexico, including NAFTA, energy and infrastructure.” Obama has promised to “amend” NAFTA.
“Starting my first year in office, I will convene annual meetings with Mr. Calderon and the prime minister of Canada,” Obama promised in late February, 2008. “Our relationship with Mexico should serve as a bridge to greater security and prosperity in North America and to better relations with Latin America” (emphasis added).
Security and prosperity, sort of like the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, the globalist plan to merge the United States, Canada, and Mexico in a North American Union similar to the European Union?
Finally, the Hegelian dialectic above mentioned has yet another component — assisting the government in its efforts to further implement a high-tech control grid in the United States.
“Mexico wants Washington to do more to curb drug-taking in the United States and gun smuggling from north of the border because drug hitmen buy automatic weapons and other guns legally in the United States and bring them back to Mexico to use in the turf battles that killed 5,700 people last year,” Reuters report on January 11. “Drug trafficking is not a Mexican problem. It is impacting both societies and the criminals are operating in U.S. territory,” said Armand Peschard-Sverdrup at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington.
Peschard-Sverdrup is most certainly correct — the criminals are operating in U.S. territory. He may not realize, however, that the ringleaders are based on Wall Street and London, not in the barrios of Nogales, Tijuana, and Juárez.

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