Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Y'Know What? You Seldom Go Wrong Listening To Really Smart People ~ There Are Bad Things Coming

Depression Unrest Turmoil Instability Riots all coming and SOON
The Coming Depression

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Marc Faber says: The best bet for investors may be to buy a farm and escape from the cities, as a prolonged recession could lead to war, as the Great Depression did. If the global economy doesn’t recover, usually people go to war.
Jim Rogers says: I expect to see social unrest, civil unrest in the United States a couple of years from now. Yes its changing the entire situation in the United States, the US is the largest debtor in the history of the world. There is a dramatic change taking place.
The world’s century is moving from the west to the east, to Asia and many people have not figured this out yet.
Yes, you are going to see a lot of turmoil in the United States in the next 3, 4, 5 years.
Director of National Intelligence Dennis C. Blair said:“The global economic crisis … already looms as the most serious one in decades, if not in centuries … Economic crises increase the risk of regime-threatening instability if they are prolonged for a one- or two-year period,” said Blair. “And instability can loosen the fragile hold that many developing countries have on law and order, which can spill out in dangerous ways into the international community.”***Former national security director Zbigniew Brzezinski warned “there’s going to be growing conflict between the classes and if people are unemployed and really hurting, hell, there could be even riots.”The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff warned the the financial crisis is the highest national security concern for the U.S., and warned that the fallout from the crisis could lead to of “greater instability”.Others warning of crash-induced unrest include:

The head of the World Trade Organization

The head of the International Monetary Fund

Senator Christopher Dodd

Congressman Ron Paul (radio interview on March 6, 2009)

Britian’s MI5 security agency

Leading economic historian Niall Ferguson

Leading economist Nouriel Roubini

Leading economist John Williams

Top trend researcher Gerald Calente

European think tank Leap2020

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