Monday, October 12, 2009

What If Socialist-Liberals Gave Out Peace Prizes.....Oh, Wait.......

Obama deserves the Peace Prize...

Monday, October 12, 2009
OBAMA! was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize [Friday] morning. I heartily applaud the action: It places him squarely in the camp he belongs. Remember: His fellow sitting presidential award winners include Woodrow Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt... Wilson is probably responsible for more senseless U.S. deaths than any other president, by a wide margin. It was Wilson who first ignored Washington's specific advice not to become entangled in Europe's wars, setting the stage for the rest of the 20th century. He also taught the other presidents how to get America involved in other people's wars: Tell voters you'll keep them out of war before you're elected, and then do the exact opposite once you're in office. More than 100,000 Americans were killed in action during World War I... which propagandist George Creel sold to the America people as "The war to end all wars." But as we now know, World War I was really only the "warm up" for World War II, where more than 400,000 Americans died. You could certainly make a case that Wilson is responsible for the greatest mass murder in U.S. history. Let's give him a peace prize... As for Roosevelt, before he became president, he famously organized a group of volunteers to invade Cuba during America's colonial period – also known as the Spanish American War. Called the "Rough Riders," the brigade only had one horse... Roosevelt's. (His men ran alongside him... no kidding.) Roosevelt described overrunning the Spanish forces in Cuba, who offered almost no resistance, as the greatest day of his life. The war, which was launched largely to sell newspapers and generate war profits, saw more U.S. troops die because of disease than in any actual fighting. It left the U.S. in possession of both the Philippines and Cuba... where we supported oppressive dictators for most of the next century, leading to a Marxist revolution in Cuba. As president, Roosevelt arranged to steal Panama from Colombia so America could control the Panama Canal. He then went on to attack corporations as being the scourge of humanity. Thank God he died relatively young (60) before he could do any more harm.

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