Thursday, February 11, 2010

OK Dear SOC readers, this time with feeling!

Here at the Sound Of Cannons Towers, we're basically overwhelmed by day-to-day life and the absolute buzzsaw of American politics and economics. The blog fell to a bit of disrepair over the past several months due to job changes, (thankfully, we're all still employed in the private sector, for now) various family obligations and concerns and the tornado of socialism that the current administration tried to engulf America with. We all were getting frustrated beyond hope and even considered shutting the blog down. But Scott Brown's victory gave us a glimmer of hope that the brain-dead American populace was rising up. We don't know where this will end up, but we feel a bit renewed by it and have started adding to the SOC blog again.
We've got a few financial recommendations for you and we're discussing bigger projects for the blog in some pretty raucous staff meetings. The purely political writers sometimes don't mix well with the financial/economics arm of SOC. And for the record, yes, a ballpoint pen can be wielded as a pretty effective weapon after insane amounts of coffee. But blood spatter was minimal and the doctor says the levels of ink weren't life threatening. (Hang in there Ralph, we'll keep your desk warm for you!)
Keep the faith dear readers, we're planning on getting back to where we were!

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