Thursday, April 1, 2010

Tyranny Has Come To Roost

The Face of Tyranny

Post warns of 'Marxist paradise' never thought possible
Posted: April 01, 20101:00 am Eastern
By Erik Rush
First of all, then we have to say the American public overwhelmingly voted for socialism when they elected President Obama.
– Rev. Al Sharpton, March 21, 2010

Regarding Al Sharpton's above remark (made immediately after the passage of the health-care "reform" bill by the House of Representatives): First of all, then I have to say that the fact that Al Sharpton has secured sufficient credibility to be considered for consultation by respected national news venues is disgusting and shameful. In addition to epitomizing "the n-word," this is a man whose claim to fame is having attempted to frame police officers for a brutal felony in order to foment racial tension and advance his agenda of personal aggrandizement.
Let's get that straight right now … then we can go on to the fact that Obama's presidential win was a slim one, and that he was widely and deceptively sold to American voters as a centrist, rather than a socialist or a Marxist. The American public overwhelmingly want nothing to do with either.
I remember 30 years ago, when I would occasionally find myself at a private gathering, a coffee shop, or on a college campus, listening to some raggedy black nationalist ramble on about how people like them, given the opportunity, would change the U.S. into a "Marxist paradise."
Inwardly, I laughed, of course. "Like that'll ever happen," I thought.
Suffice it to say that I was wrong. You heard it here.
Because that's exactly what's taking place, though the radicals in question are not exclusively black. Although he wasn't of the raggedy variety, Barack Obama's black nationalist-cum-Marxist worldview and his overview of America was the same as those urban communists I encountered in my youth, those of the same stripe as Van Jones and William Ayers. They – like countless other uber-leftists who were insinuating themselves into the power structure at that time – despised more or less everything about America, save for the opportunities it presented them personally. Obama, like his academic mentors and peers, pursued his education with an eye on power, taking advantage of metastasizing liberal ideals and newly initiated preferential policies.
In the "perfect storm" of a press saturated with insipid leftists, popular disgust with a politically enfeebled, free-spending Republican president, and a benefactor with almost bottomless pockets (in financier George Soros), this nebbish was able to capture the presidency. Surreal, but true.
I have previously discussed the phenomenon of the left having advanced a distorted vision of black Americans – what I refer to as negrophilia – which contributed to Obama's election to no mean degree. Add to this the depth of ignorance in which black Americans continue to be mired, wherein they continue to believe that opportunists like Sharpton and Obama are their benefactors, while conservatives and Republicans are demons from the foulest depths of hell. Millions remain unaware that one of the platforms upon which the Republican Party was formed and first ran was the abolition of slavery, and that the GOP also promoted the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which the Democrats filibustered. After its passage, segregationists in the Democratic Party co-opted the civil rights agenda and enrolled black Americans in the culture of dependency, ostensibly as "restitution" for their suffering.
When the left insinuated itself into the Democratic Party, they had a perfect model for the entitlement culture already in place, which they have attempted to expand to as many Americans as possible. Since the Civil Rights Movement, Democrats have propagandized and hampered black Americans, plying their leaders with a seat at the table, while they keep blacks stretched over a barrel with their cheeks spread.
(Column continues below)
One might say that the slave owners hijacked the Underground Railroad.
Now, black Americans are prepared to protect their oppressors and fight all comers in their defense, tooth and nail, blissfully unaware that their friends are their enemies, and their enemies would be their friends.
Also blissfully unaware are those who have no idea that all – mark me, all – of our president's noble, lofty stated aims regarding his policies are wholly pretextual. These are calculated to concentrate power in Washington, from banking, to automobile production, to health care, to immigration, to student loan disbursement, and all of these spell a stripping of personal liberties to a degree that most Americans cannot yet imagine.
Rapper and former pimp Ice T once said that people in America shouldn't obey laws because they were crafted by slave owners. Ice T is now loved by millions, with more than a dozen hit albums, movie appearances and a starring role in a television series under his belt.
And a vapid, narcissistic Marxist sits in the White House. How far we have fallen. …
President Obama's socialistic governance is but one train stop on the way toward a wholesale implementation of Marxism in America. As long as we retain a system whereby an unpopular government may be removed by the electorate, however, the vision of Obama and those like him will remain in jeopardy.
And don't think for a minute that they aren't aware of this.

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