Monday, January 3, 2011

Hey Sound Of Cannons Readers! Happy 2011!!!

We're currently detoxing from meat, sugar and alcohol (not necessarily in that order) from our holiday excesses.
Sound Of Cannons Towers East is still bedecked for the holidays and we'll be slow to put away the lights and bulbs as the holidays gradually fade into warm memories.
But now there's work to be done and a lot of ground to cover. 2011 will be a watershed year both economically and historically. It won't be for the faint of heart and some of our editors are predicting a "white-knuckle-grip" needed to ride out the coming 12-months ahead of us. the Eurozone continues it's slow-motion financial disintigration, North Korea screams to be relevant amidst it's own food riots. Australia just may sink into the ocean via torrential rains and all we can do is watch the precious metals loft ever upward. Yup 2011 will be a wild ride and there's going to be a major amount of discomfort. Like prickly-heat diaper rash on a nationwide scale.

Just please continue to do the following:
  • Eliminate all personal and professional (business) debt
  • Have 9 (NINE!) months of expenses readily available in cash form
  • Start stockpiling foodstuffs that have LLLOOONNNGG shelflife. seriously.
  • Learn how to use firearms safely with professional certification and licensing
  • Clean your house (apartment,condo,tent) up and get rid of the non-essential clutter
  • Make preparations to relocate if we experience a societal disruption (read
  • Keep updated on world events and be aware of changes on the local and national level

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