How Gold Could Save America from Nazi Theory
Keynesian economics is the root of economic problems for most countries around the world today.
So it's important to understand both what Keynesian economics stands for and what the opposing brand of economic thinking called Classical economics maintains.
Keynesian economics is the root of economic problems for most countries around the world today.
So it's important to understand both what Keynesian economics stands for and what the opposing brand of economic thinking called Classical economics maintains.
Classical Economics:
Thrift, hard work, and productivity are virtues.
The classical gold standard restrains the state from inflating and provides a stable monetary environment in which the economy can flourish.
Government should strive for balanced budgets and fiscal responsibility.
The state should adopt a general policy of laissez-faire of non-interventionism in economic affairs: low taxes, free trade, and minimal bureaucracy.
Production is more important than consumption.
Say’s Law: Supply is more important than demand since supply of one good creates the demand for another.
Keynesian Economics:
An increase in savings can contract income and reduce economic growth.
Consumption is more important than production, thus turning Say’s Law upside down.
There is no need for a gold standard; fiat currency is preferable.
Demand is more important than supply.
Teaches that governments and politicians can be trusted.
It's no wonder politicians love Keynesian economics over Classical economics.
To control the economy, most governments around the world have been using Keynesian economics for the past 75 years. It is the only economic thought that is taught in the schools and universities.
"They" want us to believe they are wise and intelligent souls who know what is best for us. But nothing could be further from the truth throughout most of economic history...
Read this quote from Adolf Hitler, who openly embraced Keynesian ideas:
Gold is not necessary. I have no interest in gold. We will build a solid state, without an ounce of gold behind it. Anyone who sells above the set prices, let him be marched off to a concentration camp. That's the bastion of money.
The Nazis' economic success when Hitler first came into power was a result of Hitler cooking the books. The rest of his time in power goes down in history as one of the worst atrocities in the history of mankind.
Only two other twisted power-seeking devils in the annals of time are responsible for the killing of more people than Hitler — namely Stalin and Mao Zedong.
Today we see rapid expansion of the government’s power over us, and much of this behavior can be contributed to Keynes’ own admission that his (and Hitler’s) economic strategy would work best in a totalitarian state.
It's absolutely frightening what government is doing to the people in the name of power and control, based on the practice of Keynesian economics. And the vast percentage of the people in the United States and worldwide is clueless about these things.
They actually support this insanity that's leading us away from true liberty and prosperity!
Keynes believed in progressively expanding credit (creating money out of thin air) to promote full investment. According to this school of thought, the universal economic problem of scarcity would finally be resolved as interest rates go to zero and mankind enters a “Garden of Eden”:
The first lesson of economics is that we live in a world of scarcity. There is never enough of anything to satisfy all those who want it. The first lesson of politics is to ignore the first lesson of economics.
— Thomas Sowell
The Keynesian economic tricksters have tried their way for most of the last 75 years, and it has utterly failed the people.
The ministers at last year’s G-20 meeting said as much, but don’t know what to do about it... other than push more failed Keynesian economic thinking.
The believers of Keynes' economic doctrine don’t want to talk about the deficit crisis and the absolute mess they have created.
What they are responsible for is the strong bias towards excessive inflation, boom-bust cyclical behavior, mismanaged public debt, and capital consumption on a massive scale.
Most importantly, they don’t want to lose their grip over the people, which maintains “politicians know what is best for you, since they are endowed with supreme intelligence and understanding of things you couldn’t possibly understand”.
To control the economy, most governments around the world have been using Keynesian economics for the past 75 years. It is the only economic thought that is taught in the schools and universities.
"They" want us to believe they are wise and intelligent souls who know what is best for us. But nothing could be further from the truth throughout most of economic history...
Read this quote from Adolf Hitler, who openly embraced Keynesian ideas:
Gold is not necessary. I have no interest in gold. We will build a solid state, without an ounce of gold behind it. Anyone who sells above the set prices, let him be marched off to a concentration camp. That's the bastion of money.
The Nazis' economic success when Hitler first came into power was a result of Hitler cooking the books. The rest of his time in power goes down in history as one of the worst atrocities in the history of mankind.
Only two other twisted power-seeking devils in the annals of time are responsible for the killing of more people than Hitler — namely Stalin and Mao Zedong.
Today we see rapid expansion of the government’s power over us, and much of this behavior can be contributed to Keynes’ own admission that his (and Hitler’s) economic strategy would work best in a totalitarian state.
It's absolutely frightening what government is doing to the people in the name of power and control, based on the practice of Keynesian economics. And the vast percentage of the people in the United States and worldwide is clueless about these things.
They actually support this insanity that's leading us away from true liberty and prosperity!
Keynes believed in progressively expanding credit (creating money out of thin air) to promote full investment. According to this school of thought, the universal economic problem of scarcity would finally be resolved as interest rates go to zero and mankind enters a “Garden of Eden”:
The first lesson of economics is that we live in a world of scarcity. There is never enough of anything to satisfy all those who want it. The first lesson of politics is to ignore the first lesson of economics.
— Thomas Sowell
The Keynesian economic tricksters have tried their way for most of the last 75 years, and it has utterly failed the people.
The ministers at last year’s G-20 meeting said as much, but don’t know what to do about it... other than push more failed Keynesian economic thinking.
The believers of Keynes' economic doctrine don’t want to talk about the deficit crisis and the absolute mess they have created.
What they are responsible for is the strong bias towards excessive inflation, boom-bust cyclical behavior, mismanaged public debt, and capital consumption on a massive scale.
Most importantly, they don’t want to lose their grip over the people, which maintains “politicians know what is best for you, since they are endowed with supreme intelligence and understanding of things you couldn’t possibly understand”.
The art of economics consists of looking not merely at the immediate but the longer term effects of any act or policy not merely for one group but for all groups. 9/10ths of the economic fallacies that are working with such dreadful harm in the world today are a result of ignoring this one lesson.
— Economics in One Lesson, Henry Hazlitt
— Economics in One Lesson, Henry Hazlitt
The most important groups in Keynesian economics are the power-seeking politicians and the banks.
Keynesian economics, one noted author mentioned, is much like Dr. Frankenstein and the monster he created. Somebody has to take responsibility for the monster’s excesses.
In my opinion, we are on the precipice of a worldwide financial disaster due in most part to failed Keynesian economic thinking.
At this point, there is no avoiding the result of years' of actions (or lack thereof) but through the consequence phase, which looks to be long and very painful for citizens worldwide. One can only hope people will eventually come to their senses and realize we must do the following:
Abolish the Federal Reserve and default on the debt we owe the fractional stockholders of the Federal Reserve — screw the people who have been screwing us for the past century and put them out of business;
Return to an honest monetary system with some relationship to a gold standard;
Return to Classical economic principles;
Educate others on the evils of central banking, Keynesian economics, and power-seeking politicians... and why we need to keep the “Masters of Mayhem” always accountable to the people.
The clearest way to look at politics is not Democrats vs. Republicans, Liberals vs. Conservatives, or Left vs. Right; it is Political Power vs. Liberty.
The people must choose Liberty.
Citizens worldwide must come to understand these principles or nothing can ultimately change for the better.
I want to invest in jurisdictions that are moving towards liberty, not moving away from it. And I want to invest in areas with a large abundance of natural resources that embrace liberty, not shun it.
By investing in gold and silver during times of currency debasement, we have all the stupidity and corruption of world governments working in our favor.
The bottom line to all of this is we are at an historic turning point where big changes worldwide are already underway.
As this activity continues to play out and chart its own course, the opportunities of a lifetime to cash in big are there for those who seek them.
Ownership of physical precious metals and quality precious metals mining shares are the place to be.
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