Wednesday, March 9, 2011

54% Favor Repeal of Health Care Bill

While a majority of voters nationwide continue to favor repeal of the national health care law, those who have health insurance don’t think it’s very likely they will have to change their coverage.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely Voters shows that 54% favor repeal of the law, including 44% who Strongly Favor repeal. Thirty-nine percent (39%) oppose repeal of the law, including 31% who are Strongly Opposed. (To see survey question wording, click here.)
Last week, 53% favored repeal of the health care law. Support for repeal has ranged from a low of 50% to a high of 63% since Democrats in Congress passed it a year ago.
But among voters who have health insurance, just 35% think passage of the law is at least somewhat likely to force them to change their coverage. That’s just one point above the lowest level measured since tracking began. Fifty-one percent (51%) don’t think that will be the case, while 13% more are not sure. The new findings include 20% who think it’s Very Likely they will be forced to change coverage and 23% who say it’s Not At All Likely.

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