Charlie Sheen, at least, has an excuse. He's on a drug he calls "Charlie Sheen."
But what powerful hallucinogen inhaled by the left induces the mental fantasy that makes them believe:
Spending nearly a trillion dollars in "stimulus" money "created or saved" 3.5 million jobs?
A "tax cut" means giving checks to the nearly 40 percent of the workforce that pays no federal income taxes?
Racism drives the tea party/conservative/right-wing criticism of a left-wing black president – who received more of the white vote than John Kerry, in every age demographic, and who at one time enjoyed an approval rating of almost 70 percent?
Government can "invest" in "green jobs of the future" better than can the private sector, can pick winners and losers better than the marketplace, and can do this while not rewarding those with political influence or punishing those without it?
The rich pay no taxes – even though the top 1 percent of income-earners pay nearly 40 percent of all federal income taxes?
Tax cuts only benefit the rich – even though they disproportionately pay the income taxes (see above)?
Federal and state budget problems can be solved by simply raising taxes on "the rich" and making them pay "their fair share"?
Governors' attempts to rein in public-sector compensation – because it vastly exceeds the private-sector counterparts – constitute an "assault" on "all unions"?
Expensive, anti-competitive, job-killing "global warming" regulations imposed on U.S. businesses can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions – even though the No. 1 and No. 4 "polluters," China and India, respectively, say, "Go to hell, we're growing our economies"?
Obamacare adds 30 million uninsured to the insured; allows people to keep their doctor or health insurance; forces health insurance companies to "insure" applicants with pre-existing illnesses – all while saving money, lowering costs and retaining the same quality?
President Barack Obama presented a "fiscally responsible" 2012 budget – even though it adds to the debt, continues high annual deficits and changes nothing about the three autopilot entitlement programs, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid?
"Greed" and lack of Wall Street regulation caused the housing meltdown – even though the Community Reinvestment Act, Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae and the Federal Housing Administration distorted behavior; pressured lenders to give loans to the "underrepresented"; incentivized people who should have been renting to buy homes; and put taxpayers on the hook for the losses?
"Obamacare" is a racist and offensive word – but not "Romneycare" or Hillarycare"?
The Muslim Brotherhood is "primarily secular"?
Health care is a "right" – but keeping a handgun in your own home should be a crime?
Public education can be fixed by spending more money – without allowing greater parental choice and more competition against government schools?
If millions of illegal aliens would likely vote Republican, liberals would still support putting them on a pathway to citizenship?
If convicted felons would likely vote Republican, liberals would still push to restore their full "voting rights"?
Right-wing "vitriolic rhetoric" caused the mass shooting in Tucson – but left-wing rhetoric like MSNBC's Chris Matthews' description of former House Speaker Newt Gingrich as "a car bomber" does no damage?
The Bush tax cuts for the rich "caused the deficit" – even though Obama says maintaining the current rates for the top 2 percent of income-earners "costs" $700 billion over 10 years, or for each year, less than 5 percent of the current annual deficit?
The war in Iraq caused the deficit – even though the combined annual costs of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars represent about 10 percent of the current annual deficit?
President George W. Bush and his policies made America hated in the Middle East – even though polls show the Egyptians have a lower opinion of America under Obama than they did under Bush?
Obama can convince Iran from continuing its nuclear weapons programs – by criticizing Israel for building "settlements," and by breaking missile-defense promises made to the Czech Republic and Poland to get Russia's help in pressuring Iran?
Bush "admitted committing torture" by approving waterboarding and is, therefore, a confessed "war criminal"?
Questioning Obama's place of birth or religion is insanity – but not believing that "Bush lied, people died"; Bush had prior knowledge of 9/11; Bush allowed America to be attacked on 9/11 to provide a pretext for war in Iraq; 9/11 was a government-involved inside job; and that WTC Building 7 imploded from planted explosives?
Bush governed as an evil, civil liberty-crushing warmonger – even though Obama continues the same war on terror programs and policies, including the use of the "state secrets" courtroom defense to prevent national-security-sensitive documents from being turned over to the defense; rendition; the terrorist surveillance program; the Patriot Act, including the despised library provision; drone attacks in Pakistan; and the continued use of Guantanamo Bay prison?
Obama fulfilled his campaign promise to reduce the influence of lobbyists – while members of his administration hold meetings off White House premises to avoid the requirement of having to keep a record of the meetings?
So here's the question. As between Charlie Sheen and the nonsense-believing left-wingers, who should be drug tested?
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