Friday, August 19, 2011

If You See Something, Say Something

The Department of Homeland Security has just released another important video warning the American populace about the scourge of white, yuppy-looking people who leave briefcases unattended!
This, of course, is because of the large amount of briefcases that have been exploding across America killing… zero people.
Once again, Janet Napolitano, is asking that “if you see something, say something”.
We’d like to thank her for once again providing us with the opportunity to point out a few of the suspicious activities we’ve noticed of late.
It’s hard to know where to begin – there are so many things.
We find it suspicious that both Janet Napolitano nor Michael Chertoff have been investigated or charged for their part in the “underwear bomber” fiasco where a man without a passport and actually on the terrorist watch-list was escorted past security and put on the plane with a bomb in his boxers at a time when Chertoff had a stake in the backscatter x-ray machines and was leading the biggest lobby group to have these machines put in all US airports hours after the “attack”.
It’s also suspicious that George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld have not been arrested for lying to get the US into an occupation of Iraq that has now lasted eight years, cost trillions of dollars and killed tens of thousands of US military and more than a million Iraqi civilians.
It’s also suspicious that it says in the US constitution that nothing but gold or silver can be money used by the Government of the United States yet Ben Bernanke and the Federal Reserve issue paper units which are said to be the only legal tender in the US by the US Government – and even when asked if “gold is money”, he does not even pay mention to this fact.
As well, it is suspicious that not one person in the US Government has been investigated for having shipped thousands of high powered weapons to Mexican drug cartels.
It’s also suspicious that there has never been any proof shown for the Osama bin Laden assassination and now most of the members of Seal Team 6 have been killed and there is evidence that almost all of the reported details of the murder are false.
It’s strange, also, that the most outspoken and authoritative analyst against BP after the Gulf Oil spill died a few days after he spoke up about it, in his hot tub.
Not to mention the fact that nearly all members of congress accept bribes (called donations) from corporate and foreign lobby groups to do their bidding.
Or how about the fact that Nobel Peace Prize winner, Barack Obama, first stated that his bombing of Libya does not make it a war action and that the bombing would be over in “days, not weeks”, over five months ago?
This list really could go on forever Janet. There is so much obviously improper conduct going on in the Washington, District of Criminals area.
The people of the US have been brainwashed by mainstream media presstitutes since birth, drugged (flouride in water, adderall and other toxic chemicals given to schoolchildren), put in prisons (public schools and colleges) for the entirety of their formative years and most of the food system in the US has been systematically degraded to the point where most receive little or no nutritition from food and you have outlawed natural foods such as raw milk. In fact, almost all the actions of your government has caused most of the problems in American society today.
Yet, your government says that “terrorists” are now your “average American” and police have been instructed to treat anyone who speaks about the constitution or about freedom as a criminal.
So, yes, we have seen some things and we are saying it to you now.
As for that greying, white, 50 year old man in a business suit who forgot his briefcase, excuse us if we don’t call the government to deal with it. After all, it is the government that are the criminals.
Dollar Vigilantes every day are waking up to the criminality of their own government and are aware of its coming collapse. We focus on moving our assets and in many cases, our ass, outside of the jurisdiction of our own government for this reason.

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