I absolutely love the precious metals price correction for it allows me to buy more! Nothing would make me happier than to see $800 gold and $10 silver again. The dollar price means absolutely nothing to me. The NWO’s continuing war with precious metals investors is as transparent as it is futile.Their predictable behavior this month is just more of the same and fits hand in glove with the last three years.The last thing men like the George Soros or David de Rothschild want is for regular people to invest in an asset class that has marked the course of human economic progress for thousands of years.These cowards will stop at nothing to postpone their day of reckoning.But fail they shall. Global investors around the world are finally embracing investment alternatives outside the purview of the fractional reserve banking system and the elites know it.

1) All of the world’s major banks are insolvent. How much longer can Central Banks around the world run their fraudulent currency swap schemes or steal the wealth from future generations without consequence? How much debt can they create? Their toxic assets still exist, their derivatives are worthless, and their balance sheets are broken beyond repair.
2) When measured in actual inflation numbers,U.S. Treasury Bonds have a negative yield. Why would any sane investor put their money in a paper asset class with a diminishing return? This is a safe haven asset all of a sudden? What a joke.3) The U.S. zero interest rate policy has destroyed billions in capital and continues to crush savers. In order to have a capitalist society, you need capital. In order to have capital, you need savings. In order to have savings, you need a realistic interest rate/yield on your savings. Do you notice a recurrent theme here?
4) To date, no bankster has been arrested for any crime, and the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act is an insult to those of us hoping for enforceable regulation. All this really means is that the banking fraud will continue-much to the delight of precious metal investors.
5)The global derivatives market is $1.5 quadrillion dollars. This is FRAUD. How can so much speculation in the system create prosperity in a world choking on debt? The Fed et al continually apply the Heimlich maneuver to no avail.
6) Hedge funds and market traders sold their one profitable asset class-METALS- to cover margin calls on their stocks. This is one of the reasons why gold and silver prices are dropping. The long-term fundamental price support for precious metals bull market remains intact. The assumption by many folks that the U.S. government will realistically address its deficits or fulfill its obligations to creditor nations borders on insanity. We cannot and we will not. The current use of political brinkmanship and fear mongering in Washington and on Wall Street to induce a specific political or economic effect combined with the declining participation of working class people in what was once the free market has rendered the current economic model obsolete. Nothing has or will change. The Fed will continue to bail out the banks, our economy will continue to tank, and the feverish masses will continue to pay for it!The only vaccine available for monetary rot IS gold and silver.
7) The COMEX just raised margin requirements on gold, silver and copper again (effective tomorrow, 9/27)This, too, is contributing to the current sell-off. Do not cower in the presence of evil. We hold the money; they hold worthless pieces of paper. The margin hikes are an excellent opportunity to acquire more metal. Accept the gift of volatility with open arms!
FYI: GOLD’S margin was raised 21%, SILVER-16%, COPPER-18%.

9) The stock market has lost 2,000 pts since its May high, and as a result, 401k retirement plans are under assault again. Gold and silver may be extremely volatile right now, but so is everything else.
10) Unemployment has not improved. The gainfully employed aren’t faring much better,either. More than 50% of Americans now make less than $30,000/yr. For an economy built on consumption, this does not bode well for future sustainable growth.
11) The poorest 50% of Americans now own just 2.5% of all the wealth in the United States.The disparity between rich and poor in this country has never been greater.
12) The “strong dollar paradox” is problematic for debt-laden America. A strong dollar for a sustained period is the last thing “the Bernank” wants. A strong dollar kills our exports and makes financing our hundreds of trillions in debt more expensive. Ben’s ultimate goal is to pay back our creditors with worthless pieces of paper. Deflation’s effect is cheaper prices, sure, but it also negatively impacts stock prices, real estate values,pensions, corporate profits and wages. The result is the same amount of debt with far less income and wealth to service it. Eventually, more money printing will be needed to revive the comatose American consumer and to placate Wall Street investors.Gold and silver prices will explode once the Fed fires up the printing press yet again.
Basically, the USDollar is the “Hail Mary” pass,the flavor of the month,the leper with the most fingers. The rush into the dollar is a transient event,the foolish endeavor of unrepentant,misguided investor hacks. Fear in Europe is creating tailwinds into our currency, for now. The free market has been destroyed, its form and function barely recognizable. Various global economic machinations resembling money printing, interest rate manipulation, currency swaps, paper money debasement, and a parade of crisis after crisis now rule the day. In time,like all fiat money, the dollar will also be exposed for what it is: an I.O.U with no intrinsic value. The American people will just be the last to feel the effects of all of these economic misdeeds since our Federal Reserve Bank can print all the dollars it wants whenever it wants.
“We learn from history that we do not learn from history.”-Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
The greed of evil men has disrupted the centuries old social order of mankind.What we are all experiencing together is the greatest economic paradigm shift in the history of the world,an event so complete in its destruction of freedom and liberty that most people simply refuse to acknowledge it. The strangulation of the middle class is almost complete.And the oxygen is becoming scarce.All the kings’ horses and all the kings’ men can’t put humpty dumpty back together again.The accelerating unraveling of free market capitalism is indeed troubling,but the willful disregard people have for one another bothers me more.Things are so bad now that I don’t know which situation is worse: the unparalleled crimes against humanity by the global banking crime syndicate, or the inability of reasonable human beings to see that their once prosperous lives will soon be buried under a mountain of debt they apparently have no problem subsidizing.Either way,precious metals are my preferred investment at this time.
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