Saturday, September 10, 2011

Gerald Celente Predicts “Winter of Discontent”

Appearing on Infowars Nightly News, trend forecaster Gerald Celente told Alex Jones the economy will likely begin its climatic unraveling in October and this will deliver a “winter of discontent” in America.
In response to increasing violence associated with the Greatest Depression the establishment media refuses to admit – calling it instead the “Greatest Recession” and a “double-dip recession” – Celente warned the government will crack down and further implement its draconian police state in much the same way the British government is now expanding its police state supposedly in response to hooligan riots.
Big heads, Celente said, will not roll as the depression deepens. Instead, the police state will focus its brutal power on the citizens.
Celente warned that the global elite will likely stage a “fear and hysteria” false flag terror event to turn attention away from the real criminals, the international bankers.

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