When the sun goes down every night, America becomes a very frightening place. There are communities all over the country where drug dealing, human trafficking and gang violence have gotten so out of control that authorities don't really know what to do about it. In America tonight, thousands of meth heads will break into homes as they desperately search for enough money for another hit. In America tonight, thousands of children will be sold for sex at truck stops and on street corners. In America tonight, millions of criminal predators will be searching for a new victim. From the top levels of the federal government all the way down to the most depraved criminals on the street, America is rotting. Once upon a time our tremendous affluence masked the moral decay that was happening in this nation, but now that the economy is falling apart the damage to the fabric of our society is being revealed. We have become a nation of addicts, junkies, thrill seekers and predators. When we finally see the U.S. economy fully collapse, millions of desperate, angry and depraved monsters will take out their sick frustrations on all the rest of us.

When you take meth, it can literally make you crazy. The following is from a recent USA Today article....
A mother in Bakersfield, California, was sentenced Tuesday for stabbing her newborn while in a meth rage. An Oklahoma woman drowned her baby in a washing machine in November. A New Mexico woman claiming to be God stabbed her son with a screwdriver last month, saying, "God wants him dead."Large numbers of meth addicts turn into thieves when they run out of money. Often, they will steal just about anything they can in order to get money for their next hit. Some things that meth addicts have stolen recently include agricultural plumbing, copper wiring and lawn sprinklers.
And making meth can be extremely dangerous as well. U.S. hospitals are filled with thousands and thousands of uninsured burn patients that were horribly burned while trying to make "shake and bake" meth.
The following comes from a recent Daily Mail article....
It is filling hospitals with thousands of uninsured burn patients requiring millions of dollars in advanced treatment - a burden so costly that it is contributing to the closure of some burns units.But of course meth is just one of the highly addictive drugs that are plaguing our youth. There are many other nightmarish drugs that could also be discussed. Nearly every community in America is dealing with some sort of a drug problem, and despite the "war on drugs" this crisis just seems to keep getting worse every single year.
So-called 'shake-and-bake' meth is produced by combining raw, unstable ingredients in a two-litre bottle.
But if the person mixing the noxious brew makes the slightest error, such as removing the cap too soon or accidentally perforating the plastic, the concoction can explode, searing flesh and causing permanent disfigurement, blindness or even death.
A survey of key hospitals in America's most-active meth states showed that up to a third of patients in some burns units were hurt while making meth, and most were uninsured.
Perhaps even more alarming is the rise of human trafficking in America.
When I was going through school, I was taught that slavery had been abolished in the United States.
But that was a lie.
Right now, thousands upon thousands of Americans are living as slaves. Most of them are sex slaves. As you read this, there are women all over America that are literally chained to beds in dark rooms where men pay their "owners" to have sex with them.
The following stats about human trafficking come from a recent Detroit Free Press article....
• Human trafficking is a $32-billion industry worldwide.Many Americans would be absolutely horrified to learn what goes on behind closed doors in America.
• Up to 2 million people are trafficked worldwide every year. Of those, 15,000-18,000 are in the U.S.
• Eight in 10 human trafficking cases involve the sex industry; the others involve labor trafficking.
• In 2010, 2,515 human trafficking cases were under investigation in the U.S.
• Eighty-three percent of victims in confirmed sex trafficking cases in the U.S. in 2010 were American citizens
All over the nation tonight, vicious monsters will be selling or "renting" young children to other vicious monsters for sex.
The following story of one human trafficking victim comes from a recent Fox News article....
Today, Keisha Head is a wife and mother of three. But more than decade ago, she was the victim of a notorious human trafficker.When you push morality out of the schools and out of public life, this is the kind of thing that starts happening.
At 16-years old, Head says she was being sold on the streets of Atlanta for sex.
“I did not know that a normal, average man who was a preacher, who was a lawyer, who was a senator - could turn into this monster,” Head said. “That is the scariest moment when you are amongst people who claim to be normal yet they purchase you and they turn into these monsters. They rape you. They beat you. And then act as if they're normal. These are not your normal pedophiles.”
Thousands upon thousands of other women "work for themselves" on the streets of America. Some are willing to let strangers have sex with them for next to nothing.
For example, one woman in Los Angeles was recently arrested for approaching customers at one McDonald's and offering sexual favors in exchange for Chicken McNuggets.
A lot of really weird stuff happens in America after dark.
As the economy has crumbled, thieves all over the country have become increasingly bold and increasingly desperate.
The following are just a few recent examples....
*In Fresno, California the damage caused by thieves stealing copper wire from city street lights is costing the city approximately $50,000 a month. So far, about 2,500 street lights have been stripped of their wiring.
*In northern Alabama, one group of crooks has been using a forklift to pull entire ATM machines out of the ground.
*A while back, a team of ambitious thieves in Pennsylvania actually stole an entire 50 foot long bridge.
Other crimes are committed by members of the government. In Chicago, the bodies of poor people that don't have enough money to bury themselves are being treated with absolutely no respect at all by government officials. Just check out what Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart says that he found....
"Babies are buried 10, 15 to a box. They're buried in there with animal remains. They're buried in there with arms and legs from body parts they found during the course of the year. It is not anything that our county or society should ever sit there and say is acceptable"Can you imagine that?
What kind of a monster would do such a thing?
Of course I could go on for ages about the sick corruption of our government officials, but that will have to be left for another day.
For now, I want to focus on another rising problem in our society. As I wrote about the other day, the FBI says that there are now 1.4 million gang members living inside the United States. That number has risen by an astounding 40 percent since 2009.
Nearly every major U.S. city has areas that are essentially "owned" by gangs. Some of these gangs are the size of small armies. For example, it is estimated that the Latin Kings have 18,000 members in the city of Chicago alone.
When civil unrest erupts in America, these organized groups of criminal predators will have a field day. Even now, law enforcement authorities in many areas of the country are having an incredibly difficult time trying to contain them.
As things fall apart all around us, an increasing number of Americans are coming to the realization that they are not going to be able to depend on someone else to defend themselves and their families.
Perhaps that is why the American people stocked up on firearms at an astounding rate during 2011.
In some areas of the country, a firefight can potentially erupt just about at any time. The following is from an article that was recently posted on standwitharizona.com....
Barbed wire fencing doesn’t keep illegal aliens off the property anymore. One Starr County, TX rancher doesn’t have time to worry about the illegals these days. He now worries about the smugglers protecting their loads.
“I don’t think they would have any conscience of taking someone’s life,” the rancher says.
He saw that will to kill firsthand. A smuggler shot at him on his own land.
“One round was fired at me, and it missed my head by about two feet,” says the rancher.
He says there’s only way to react.
“Fire all the rounds you have, reload, and do it again,” says the rancher.

There are millions of criminal predators in this country today that have little or no conscience. They don't care about you, your spouse or your children. All they care about is feeding their addictions.
In the months and years to come, the economy is going to get worse. As it does, all of those predators are going to become even more desperate.
Desperate people do desperate things.
America is going to become a very frightening place. But instead of curling up into a ball and crying about it, the better response is to be strong and courageous and to get prepared the best that you can.
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