Contrary to the false propaganda proclaiming that Dr. Ron Paul is "not electable", his numbers are rising, his support growing and he stands an excellent chance of winning both the GOP nomination and the 2012 presidential race.
Dr. Paul's opponents are desperate to stop Americans from listening to, and subsequently electing Ron Paul. Opponents of liberty falsely present Ron Paul as "unelectable" to the American people, attempting to plant subconscious seeds doubt of "don't listen to him, don't vote for him in the primaries or caucuses because he'll never win". This strategy is failing as more Americans hear Dr. Paul speak, leading them to contribute to his campaign and vote for him. The American public understands Dr. Paul's common sense approach and trusts him. The other candidates are clearly in the race to serve their egos and personal agendas. The "Dr. Paul is not electable" rumors are deliberately created and spread solely as a calculated attempt to confuse honest, hard-working American with falsehoods such as "Ron Paul is crazy, anti-women, anti-Israel and anti-blacks. He's isolationist, he'll wreck the country, he's anti-government". These are simple "control the masses" fear tactics to try and stop Americans from actually listening to Dr. Paul, hearing his logical and intelligent plan and deciding for themselves.

Romney is the unelectable candidate, not Dr. Paul.
6. Dr. Paul not an "isolationist". He is a veteran who believes in only going to war when it has been formally declared per the U.S. Constitution. "We shouldn't have so many injured and in our hospitals because we shouldn't go to war unless it's declared. If it's declared, we should go win it and get it over with." If he were an isolationist, what reason would he be the candidate who gets the most donations from people in the military? Dr. Paul wants to withdraw from the United Nations, which would be the Constitutional thing to do. Thomas Jefferson, founding father and an author of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution stated, "Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none." Regarding Israel, Dr. Paul said "Two of the tenets of a true Zionist are 'self-determination' and 'self-reliance...We give $3 billion to Israel and $12 billion to her avowed enemies. How does that help Israel? And in return, we act like her master and demand veto power over her foreign policy." Ron Paul states, "Any kind of racism or anti-Semitism is incompatible with my philosophy." He is against foreign aid period. "I believe that federal foreign aid is absurd. We're broke!... It is ridiculous for us to be borrowing money from China and giving it to Pakistan. I have described foreign aid as taking money from poor people in rich countries and giving it to rich people in poor countries. I know that many in other nations are hurting, but I also know that the American people are a generous people. While we should end the unconstitutional federal foreign aid program, I would encourage Americans to continue to voluntarily contribute to the needs of other nations."
5. Dr. Ron Paul would run the U.S. budget like many of us responsibly handle our money at home: Spending less than we make and getting rid of dishonest or unnecessary waste.4. Dr. Paul's plans for the country make sense.
3. Dr. Paul has the right track record, temperament and character to be President. He is mentally clear, firm and tells the truth.
2. He is the only one who makes sense in the debates. If you watch the debates, he answers questions directly and honestly. The link in this paragraph lists the upcoming debates. Many traditional Democrats might find themselves voting for Dr. Paul after watching him in a few debates.
1. Dr. Paul is the only person in the 2012 race for president who wants to serve the country. All the other candidates like the idea of the power, status, glory and success. Dr. Paul has humility and a humble approach that no other candidate has.
"Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty." - Thomas Jefferson
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