Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Doomsday Survey: 51% of Americans Believe a Financial Collapse Is Imminent; 85% Say Country Is Overwhelmingly Under-Prepared

A recent survey of 1,007 nationally representative Americans ages 18 and over suggests that most of us believe a doomsday scenario of some kind will occur in the next twenty five years.
With three million preppers in the U.S. getting ready for widespread disaster, gun sales sky rocketing, and retail precious metals purchases at unprecedented levels, the results of the survey performed by Kelton Research on behalf of National Geographic shouldn’t be surprising.
Among other things, the survey asked respondents to choose which natural or man-made doomsday scenarios they believed are most likely to happen in the United States.
The result suggest that Americans are more aware of the dangers facing our fragile society today than ever before.
National Geographic Survey via The Ready Store:
Which of the following, if any, do you think might happen in the United States in the next 25 years?  Please choose all that apply.
Doomsday Survey: 51% of Americans Believe a Financial Collapse Is Imminent; 85% Say Country Is Overwhelmingly Under Prepared doomsday survey11
About how many years from now, if ever, do you think it’s likely that the world will experience a major catastrophe? Your best guess is fine.
Doomsday Survey: 51% of Americans Believe a Financial Collapse Is Imminent; 85% Say Country Is Overwhelmingly Under Prepared doomsday survey21
If a major catastrophe were to happen in your lifetime, do you think it would be…
Doomsday Survey: 51% of Americans Believe a Financial Collapse Is Imminent; 85% Say Country Is Overwhelmingly Under Prepared doomsday survey3
Which of the following do you think is a smarter investment?
Doomsday Survey: 51% of Americans Believe a Financial Collapse Is Imminent; 85% Say Country Is Overwhelmingly Under Prepared doomsday survey4
Which of the following, if any, have you ever done to prepare for a potential catastrophe? Please choose all that apply.
Doomsday Survey: 51% of Americans Believe a Financial Collapse Is Imminent; 85% Say Country Is Overwhelmingly Under Prepared doomsday survey51
Which of the following explain why you are not as prepared as you think you need to be for a potential catastrophe? Please choose all that apply. (Among respondents who think they are not fully prepared)
Doomsday Survey: 51% of Americans Believe a Financial Collapse Is Imminent; 85% Say Country Is Overwhelmingly Under Prepared doomsday survey6
In the event of a catastrophe, do you think that most Americans will be…
Doomsday Survey: 51% of Americans Believe a Financial Collapse Is Imminent; 85% Say Country Is Overwhelmingly Under Prepared doomsday survey71
The Doomsday Preppers Survey was conducted by Kelton Research between January 3rd and January 10th, 2012 using an email invitation and an online survey. Quotas are set to ensure reliable and accurate representation of the total U.S. population ages 18 and over.
While millions may be preparing, and over half of Americans expect a major catastrophic natural or man-made event to occur in the course of their lifetimes, at least 25% of Americans – fully 80 million – have taken no active steps to prepare themselves for disaster because they simply don’t believe it’s a possibility.
Our guess is that these overwhelmingly under-prepared individuals will be the first ones screaming for FEMA to give them food and calling for confiscation and redistribution of the supplies of others.

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