Long term electricity shortages are usually only seen in war zones, disaster zones, or extremely poor countries. It’s not something we expect to see in the US or the EU, particularly since ubiquitous, always on electricity is synonymous with modernity. Regardless, given the way things are headed, it’s likely our future.

- Nothing new will be built. We are just realizing we are bankrupt. Our collective wealth has been squandered and stolen, never to be seen again. This means the investment dollars available for improvements and expansion of the electricity grid don’t exist. What does get funded, gets stopped by a justified NIMBY (not-in-my-backyard) movement. So, even if there were a plentiful, sustainable, and inexpensive new supply of centralized electricity production available, it’s very likely it would never reach the customers that would use it.
- The grid will fall into disrepair and become intermittently available. As we become poorer, funding for the maintenance of the national grid will evaporate. As a result, we will see more breakdowns. Further, we will see sources of centralized electricity supply become intermittent, as suppliers go offline due to sagging demand or government attempts to regulate prices in a fragile economy.
- The grid will be intentionally broken. As our economies fall deeper into depression, our political and social systems will follow them into the abyss. Attacks on the grid infrastructure will become more frequent as criminals strip lines of precious metals and domestic guerrillas attack the lines cause disruption.
In contrast, for those of us building resilient communities that produce most of what we need locally, the onset of routine blackouts will be of minor consequence to our daily lives.
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