He continued, “You know, when I do something, whether it is [inaudible] pink underwear or chain gangs, what I feed to inmates, that goes national. I’ve been on 4,000 international profiles, international and national, and yet this has been has been blacked out when I’m investigating this situation.”
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Arpaio’s investigation into Obama’s constitutional eligibility was rated last week by Internet ranking service Alexa.com as one of the most-read news stories in the entire world – due almost entirely to coverage by WND and the Drudge Report – not only the establishment press, but most of the “conservative” media as well, looked the other way.
WND recently reported Russian news website Pravda published an accusation that the American media is “tame,” afraid to publish news and is “deliberately hiding the evidence published on the internet about [President Obama's] defrauding of the American public and the deliberate evisceration of the Constitution of the United States.”
However, in the recent The Voice of Russia interview, the Russian host argued that the Obama eligibility issue has been covered by “hundreds” of U.S. news outlets for years – after both Donald Trump and Arpaio brought up the question.
“Well, I wish you would tell me who they are. I’m sure it’s not national. CBS, ABC, cable?” Arpaio asked. “Just show me who has been covering it. They haven’t been covering. I’m not going to get into inside sources that say that they don’t want to cover it, that’s another issue when we are talking about the media. But where is all the news? You are calling me, you are dealing with Russia, so I have to talk to Russia to get this story out.”
See the latest demand to a member of Congress for an investigation of Obama
Arpaio explained that he is on cable news outlets regularly to talk about other issues, but producers are not calling him to ask questions about the Cold Case Posse investigation.
“You would think this will be an interest, especially the latest investigation on the Selective Service card that I just put out. … I don’t see any major outlets talking about it.”
He noted that major media outlets showed up to his March 1 press conference merely to scoff at his efforts to hold Obama accountable.
“They showed up to insult me and not look at the facts of the evidence that we put on the screen,” he said. “They didn’t question the evidence, which is interesting. They wanted to question what my motives were.”
Arpaio refuted allegations that the Cold Case Posse investigation has anything to do with his own efforts to be re-elected.
“I’ve been elected and re-elected five times,” he said. “I sure don’t need this to get elected this year, believe me. I can get elected on pink underwear that I make the inmates wear. I sure don’t need this issue. I’m doing something that I know might be rather controversial. But when people came to me and asked to look into it, why not give it to my volunteer posse? So, I did. And I told them I want you to clear the president on this birth certificate, but they’re coming up with evidence that’s not clearing the president. That’s the way it is in law enforcement.”
Arpaio explained that any layperson could conclude that the birth certificate Obama presented online is a forgery.
“Well, we’ve done our research,” he said. “I think any amateur could look at what we presented and come to the theory that it is not the true birth certificate.”
Arpaio added, “You know, I don’t run Hawaii, so I presume that we will be writing to Hawaii. And you know, from Day 1 all I said – to clear the air, let’s look at the microfilm in Hawaii, if the president was born in that hospital, look at the microfilm and prove it, that’s all. We have two other twins that were born the day after and the day before. The microfilm shows that they were born, so let’s see the microfilm – forget the birth certificate, if that’s an argument. Show the microfilm, and that clears the air. Where is the microfilm?”
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