Thursday, April 19, 2012

98,000 federal employees owe a combined $1 billion in back taxes?!

[Nice to see Scott Brown taking time out of his incredibly busy schedule of voting with the Democrats to point out something valid....SOC.Ed]
U.S. Sen. Scott Brown is pushing a new bill that he said would make it easier to collect back taxes from federal workers and members of Congress.
The Massachusetts Republican said that a recent report by the Internal Revenue Service showed that in 2010, 98,000 federal employees owed a combined $1 billion in back taxes.
Brown said members and employees of the U.S. Senate alone owed over $2 million.
The bill would require members and employees of Congress and federal employees who file financial disclosures forms to report any delinquent tax liability to the appropriate ethics office and come up with a plan to pay off the taxes.
Those who fail to arrange a payment plan with the IRS within a year could have those back taxes taken directly out of their wages.

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