Thursday, May 17, 2012

Hey Sound Of Cannons readers!

Political Opinion T-Shirt

Hey, we're making some expansion and changes at Sound Of Cannons and plans are getting hashed out amongst many bottles of Diet Mountain Dew, Chinese takeout and 5-Hour Energy shots.(Ralph takes them 2 at a time!) We're hit up for advertising and sponsorships on a fairly regular basis and we're weighing some potentially beneficial alliances.  An SOC Facebook page is in the works as well to help get the news out. We're also (ulp!) considering some items for a newly minted SOC logo to adorn.  That one's still in the works.....

We'd be nothing without you, dear readers and we want to make some fun available to some of the people who keep SOC up and running. So we're going to do a T-shirt giveaway this fall as the political season heats up.  We'll ask for comments and also ask you to "like" us on FaceBook and/or "follow" us at the blog.  Seems pretty fair for what will be a kick-ass free t-shirt!

So keep watching this space and continue reading the posts!  Good things are on the Sound Of Cannons horizon!

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