Thursday, May 31, 2012

MSNBC Lawrence O'Donnell Too Lazy To Research Bilderberg

MSNBC Teleprompter reader Lawrence O’Donnell has admitted he is “way too lazy” to look into the activities of the elite Bilderberg Group meeting in secret this weekend in Chantilly, Virginia.
O’Donnell was asked about Bilderberg by We Are Change reporter Luke Rudkowski, who attempted to break through what can only be described as a wall of ignorance and cognitive dissonance to enlighten The Last Word host.
The as always mild mannered and polite Rudkowski attempted to explain to O’Donnell that Bilderberg is an annual meeting of most influential people on the planet.
“No its not” O’Donnell shot back, before adding “I have no idea what it is – so its not.”
When Rudkowski attempted to explain that last year’s meeting was held in Switzerland, O’Donnell said “That’s a lie. People are lying to you.”
When Rudkowski said he actually went to the location of the meeting to report on it, O’Donnell said “No you didn’t. You didn’t see a single media person go…”
When Rudkowski attempted to explain that Bilderberg meet to form policy and consolidate power, as admitted recently by Former NATO Secretary-General and Bilderberg member Willy Claes, O’Donnell repeatedly said “no it’s not, no it’s not, no it’s not.”
O’Donnell, who would barely even look Rudkowski in the face during the short encounter, is presumably so high on his peanut gallery that it is beneath him to even talk to the alternative media.
“I believe the world is simpler than you think.” he concluded, saying that every bad thing in the world can be “explained by stupidity”.
“You are misunderstanding the universe.” O’Donnell patronizingly told Rudkowski, after suggesting that the reporter “talk to someone who knows something about this”.
When this is the level of sneering ignorance displayed by those within the mainstream media, is it any wonder that Bilderberg is able to meet without scrutiny and create global policy without oversight?
In addition, is it any wonder that the ratings of the likes of MSNBC are dropping faster than a bad facelift?

1 comment:

  1. -----Smug ---self basting ---capstone
    sycophants like O'Donnell are the reason NO ONE
    watches --much less belives ---their commentary or
