{Here at Sound Of Cannons, We advocate quality uranium stock investments as much as your speculative funds will allow. This will be like shooting fish in a barrel when yellowcake bounces back and beyond!~Ed.}
“In early August, uranium bulls were drawing up plans for a march on $200,” writes Dan Denning of Port Phillip Publishing in Australia. “Since then, the uranium price has fallen over 35%, which also happens to be a standard technical correction in a long-term bull market.” Hmmn…
“The correction in the market took all the wind out of the sails of uranium juniors. But we think that's a good thing. Apart from some speculative forecasts on increased production in Kazakhstan, the fundamentals for uranium supply and demand are still bullish.”
“The correction in the market took all the wind out of the sails of uranium juniors. But we think that's a good thing. Apart from some speculative forecasts on increased production in Kazakhstan, the fundamentals for uranium supply and demand are still bullish.”
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