Friday, May 25, 2007

A Few Words Of Encouragement

You Must be able to Taste it
Friday, May 25, 2007 -
The coach of the late Oregon running legend Steve Prefontaine once remarked, "You can't coach desire." Of course he meant that if someone doesn’t much care about improving, all the help in the world may amount to little gain.Being possessed of a burning desire to do well is even better. Mike Litman speaks to this in his writings on advising:"Successful people ACT from a sense of URGENCY. There's an URGENCY to accomplish tasks. There's an URGENCY to live their dreams. There's an URGENCY to get things done."They're ATTACKING vs. WAITING. Big difference. Huge difference."At last count, very few people are likely to live forever. It's a finite game out there. Too many people will finally "wake up" near the end of their days, and wish they had been a bit more motivated while time was on their side. Michael Masterson, writing on sums it up well concluding:"If you have the dream of beating all the odds and being a raging success in business, I can tell you this firsthand: It doesn't ever go away. It's a gnawing desire. And if you don’t satisfy it, you'll wake up in 20 or 30 years and wonder why you didn’t give it a try.'

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